They calls me "Few Clothes"

Blocking and tackling are essential to the game; you can’t have football without them. Taking PEDs is not essential, and adds a completely unnecessary element of risk.

Sorry if I am unfairly caricaturing your position. You guys always leap to the defense of PED users, so it seems like you are rooting for that outcome.

It seems to me as though Burneko (and Deadspin generally) is taking an “anything goes” libertarian free-market approach to PEDs. They should be legal and everyone should take them (or, a person would be a fool not to take them) because they work, they improve a person’s performance. Yes, I know Barry Bonds was good at

Well, it is true that I had to Google “Hillsborough soccer deaths” to fully understand it, but that—to me—is part of what made the episode great. It encouraged me to learn more on my own and to develop a less insular perspective.

There’s a great two-part episode of Cracker (the brilliant BBC series with Robbie Coltrane as a dissolute police psychologist) about the aftermath of Hillsborough. Robert Carlyle (Begby from Trainspotting) plays a bitter Liverpool fan who goes on a murder spree in part as revenge for the unjust way the British police

What if there was an all-time moment, like a walk-off grand slam to end a World Series or somebody hitting a full-court shot at the buzzer to win the NBA finals ... but it was in game four of a series sweep?Would it be replayed as often and likened to similar moments in non-blowout series?

“Hey, Kobe missed 28 shots the other night and you guys said it was awesome.” —Kevin Durant

“the 1991-92 Bulls, who fell short of the Lakers by only winning 67 games, then the second-most regular season wins of all time.”

On April 9, 1978 George Gervin scored 63 points in the final game of the season, to win the scoring title by .07 points over David Thompson. The reason Gervin needed to score 63 points is that Thompson dropped 73(!) that night. Thompson shot 13 for 14 in the first quarter and 20 for 23 in the first half, for 53

Sigh. OK, the point of my original post was that Marco Rubio had mangled the English language when he kept saying “dispel with.” I suggested to Hodorable that he or she use “dispel with” in the Rubio-inspired NFL post not because it is correct, but because it is true to the stupidity of the original quote. That was

You don’t read so good, do you.

I think you meant to say, “Let’s dispel once and for all with the notion...” Without the mangling of the English language in the original Marco-ism, it only sounds half as stupid. It’s like the brilliant “Get a brain, morans!” sign. Spelling “morons” correctly ruins the experience.

Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabadoo

The point of the story is obviously that NFL teams need to look at more than size and strength when evaluating players. They need to ask themselves if cutting a player will cause him to become a psychopath rapist cop, and if so, keep him on the practice squad. We as a society need to accommodate these poor bastards,

Homer: “Kent, I’d be lying if I said my men weren’t committing crimes.”

Sure it would help if Rubio could shoot, but the Wolves’ main problem is that they play defense like a two-dollar hooker guarding her virtue. And not just any two-dollar hooker, but one of the five killed by Craig James.

Noel Gallagher: “Wow, what a great save. It’s like that Joe Hart is a wall, a splendid wall. A great, wonderful wall. What do you think we should call him, Russell? Huh? A guy like that who’s a wall that’s really wonderful? I mean, after all, you’re my . . . what, eh?

How dare you take a stand that is contrary to the views of your readers, Deadspin? DON’T YOU KNOW THAT WE PAY YOUR SALARIES?!? You know, through our taxes and stuff.... I guess I don’t really know how this works.

That means he’s a dirty foreigner who can’t run for president.

I know you didn’t mean it this way, but the statement is true. “No amount of brilliant offensive scheming can overcome a team despising its own coach.” There was no amount of brilliant offensive scheming, at all.