
2006 the first and last time I ever played fantasy. 7th place baby hell yeah

Your theory is correct, Joey Bosa is in fact the smartest rookie in football history.

At last, Mr. Baseball has secured the coveted “guys who like family guy and call themselves pimps” vote. But can a man truly find joy, who has already flown to such great heights?

nah. Louis CK does not denigrate his colleagues. the AV Club did an interview with him a few years back and tried to bait him into hitting some soft targets (Larry the Cableguy, etc) and he wouldn’t do it. so if you think he’d go up there and call Meryl Streep the C-word or whatever you don’t know the man that well.

The Emmitt Smith section has gotten so abstract I find more often than not I have to read sections of it aloud to even decipher the malapropism.

Yeah that’s the worst of it. They aren’t themselves getting any money for the gig, so they are stumping for it for nothing. Just got a bootheel on their back from upstairs saying “pimp DK or you’re fired. Simmons can’t help you now.”

his life is basically Tommy Boy if his dad didn’t love him.

Sometimes it’s a $60 cab from a local winery, sometimes it’s a $10 bottle from the grocery store. Sometimes it’s a tall can of Bud Heavy on a hot day after mowing the lawn, other times it’s an imperial IPA from a local brewery. sometimes it’s lobster and black truffle mac and cheese from a high end place in town,

it’s about ethics in humorous retro recipe journalism.

The running gag of him having Vietnam flashbacks is the difference maker. Though now that I think of it, there were like 3 total in the history of the character.

He claims to have bought it at Macy’s, which means he paid considerably more for it than at a bargain bro store like Old Navy. That makes it so much worse.

Hey, as a lifelong vintage (usually terrible, sometimes inscrutable) cookbook enthusiast, this feature is right up my alley!

Favorite and/or memorable sports video game? Any era.

You’re probably right re: page clicks, though there’s some irony to that since football seems to be his least knowledgeable sport, and those gambling columns are pretty much just 20,000 words of that “I have no idea what I’m doing” dog meme.

Drew is basically Simmons from six or seven years ago and everyone just pretends they don’t notice.

I love Pierce, but his contract appears to only be for 1 column a week, and he has a much more substantive gig over at Esquire...

So I guess QB shot right up to the top of the list of the Bears draft needs.

yeah double fuck that television personality for having lots of makeup put on their face when they are on television!

Crucially important contribution by you.

But can I cook and enjoy my own brunch during the mysterious fringe holiday known as Easter? HELP ME ADEQUATE MAN!