
Right. So perfectly reasonable for someone to remember the exact words Paterno said to him 40 years ago and it should be reported as fact, but its understandable that this other person forgot what coach was complicit in child abuse, because it was 30 years ago and who remembers stuff that happened that long ago? As

Kevin O’Dea wasn’t a coach at Penn State in 1988, but no way any of these people lied

Ahhh, Lake Forest College. Couldn’t find an economist at an actual school to express total dismay over this clear TRAVESTY? I mean if the guy from THE Lake Forest College thinks its bad, it must be REALLY bad.

This is just a case of small sample size. Any normalized results would never have any brand, especially Express, with 3x higher spending than the second closest brand.

Is Samer unaware that John Fox doesn’t coach the Broncos anymore? Or was he just trying to not be a dick to an 8 year old?

It’s called selective editing. Take any player who has been in the league 6 years and you can find 5 examples of hard fouls against them that weren’t called flagrants. Then find 4 random flagrant fouls that look soft, and put them in a video with the other 5. RACISM!

Right. $15.25M compared to $6.9M in 2014, $14.8M compared to $3.16M in 2015. So they are “prjojected” to make $2M more this year, likely because of the Olympics, and think that proves that they have the same value? Not sure how that adds up.

Let’s all just jump to conclusions on this. Not like there was a 30 for 30 on last night about this precise situation, where everyone jumped to conclusions and ruined kids lives, when it turns out all of the accusations were completely false.

Uh, $4.5M annual rent on a $50M investment is a 9.0% return.

Clickbait much?