David Tate

A useless product? Dude, are you serious? I don't drink Gatorade. I don't particularly care for it. But useless? Just because deadspin writers don't like the taste of Gatorade doesn't make it useless. Literally — not using that word incorrectly here — millions and millions of people voluntary choose to drink Gatorade

This is an accurate description of the process.

Holy shit that banner illustration. I can't imagine that work-order.... Hey Jim... here's what I need.....

Next week will be even crazier

Nobody in the NFL, Roger? Mortensen just making shit up, is he? McManus too? Roger Goodell, moral arbiter of justice, wielder of both big mouth AND big stick, with a whole security team full of goons at his beck and call, didn't have anybody take a gander at a video everyone who followed this knew existed, when TMZ

I smoked before work, and I started selling thousands of dollars of manufacturing machinery while crushing an everything bagel with cream cheese. Works fine for me.

"Additionally, we're going to take away the 2015 2nd and 4th round draft picks of the New England Patriots just to be safe, and also suspend Michael Vick for the season because he probably did something bad. Also, everyone reading this letter is fined $40,000."

I'd like (and probably hate) to read more about how FFP works. I always hear it mentioned but rarely understand the possible penalties and what exactly you have to do to be punished. Is it just a balance of incoming and outgoing transfer money in a certain range?

The whole situation. McCutchen's complaint is definitely justified.

I think what Lewis is saying is Colby should have went for the jack instead of exploiting the swiss defense on the left side of the infield, thereby increasing the amount of cheddar he earns in his next contract. Some of our older readers camembert Ted Williams used to do that. Like any good American would do.

Holy crap, is this serious? WOW. I'm shocked. I know a lot of people who aren't Auburn fans wouldn't know who this guy is, but I think he was the real favorite player on that 2010 team for a lot of Auburn fans, even more so than Cam Newton. I've never seen a tight end with such skill at catching the ball. His 2011

Which week?

Whatever. I'm getting ready to love this stupid noisemaker. I thought the vuvuzelas were great. I might have thought differently if I had been there in person, I guess. Probably not, though. I like the drums and all the obnoxious chants too. It's fun, dammit!

Can I just state the fact that I actually miss having And1 around? Coming home after school and being able to flip on ESPN2 to watch the Mixtape Tour made being a pudgy white kid on a basketball court fun.

Sure, what the hell.

It's not a grilled cheese and tomatoes and mustard sandwich. It's a grilled cheese sandwich. I'm sure a grilled cheese and tomatoes and mustard sandwich is lovely, but it's also a different sandwich.