David Tate

You're wrong. You have to intentionally hit the ball.

On first play through, and played Skellige’s most wanted last night. I was so confused until I went to the internet and saw the thousands of articles about it :/

Actually, Shani is a character from the book series who you meet again in the first Witcher game. They have a brief romantic relationship in the novels, prior to their possible romance in the first game.

Really? A division game is the same as a non-conference game? Funny, I must watch a different football than you.

Curious: Is DraftKings no longer advertising on this site?

SIMMONS: Pack up your bags. We’re starting our own sports website.

Do you guys feel at all bad/hypocritical for putting Grantland on blast for outing Dr. V, to only do the same thing a year or so later?

Nah, fuck you.

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

To be fair, it would've been, like, REALLY awkward to include something like cocaine abuse in what is virtually a short book that's kissing his ass.

Reality really fucks up a fluff piece.

I love it so much when idiots accuse Gawker of constantly race-baiting, and then post comments to articles that have nothing to do with race, and don't mention race, and attempt to make it about race. And then fail to see the irony of it all.

Merton Hanks really stuck his neck out on that decision.