
The 5D mark II only became popular for video once people realized that they could create movies that looked amazing with a $2500 camera and $500 lens. Before, they had previously been relying on expensive systems which kept many people out of the business. We decided it was worth it to deal with the cumbersome body

Would it track biking? Anytime I don't want to be lazy I ride a bike, either for exercise or just to the store. I'm not really in walking distance to anything

I think they are tired of distinguishing between devices so they just say "All Off". It would be annoying to say to have an everchanging list of approved devices. They also want the least amount of clutter in front of you. Rather than saying "ipads are ok, 11" mac book airs are ok but 13" ones are not, windows pc's

say goodbye to youtube as well

That depends on what was wrong. They may not have had any control. Who knows.

Better low light performance, bigger screen, headphone out, better manual audio controls, less moire, longer recording limits, 2nd card slot, better grip, new higher bitrate format, and mildly reduced rolling shutter effect...basically, there is alot better. As far as straight resolution and sharpness, it seems to be

Apple will not change the aspect ratio anytime soon and a 4.6" display would be massively wide. I could see a 4" phone MAYBE but that is it tops

They better get some remedies out quick or they will loose me as a potential customer...it's falling out by the day people, lets get on this

With tablets streaming 1080p video, cloud storage, and increased productivity from tablets, I see the 5GB limit being hit much more often. I doubt you would use this for your phone though unless tethering

I had tons of hope for the Galaxy Nexus but seriously, I have played with the verizon version and it just doesn't feel that great. I almost prefer the GSII. As such, I think i'm more hoping for a GSIII on sprint than the Nexus. The GSII has a better processor, is better looking, and a way better camera. Things can

The LTE models are I believe $630 for the 16GB. That is a big premium over the $500 wifi only model

In the ipad commercial, the guy took the picture of his family on the beach where the ipad underexposed the image by about 2 stops...but magically in the following frame, everything became properly exposed as if someone had a magical flash or reflector handy to light up the subjects faces

What happened to Siri? I don't get it. The most promoted feature of the 4s and the rumored future of television is mysteriously absent from the more powerful ipad? Is there no future for Siri?

Haha, wow. It was pretty obvious too. No Siri, just voice dictation

If those pictures were moving at 30fps you would probably not see a difference at all. It will look better though for text and high quality photos. 1080p high quality movies could look a little better but probably just marginally since they will be smaller sizes due to the ipad aspect ratio and the giant black bars of

While it may be funny, I think the fact that it is #1 is an issue for google. They are supposed to be supplying the most relevant information to my search and this is obviously not it and therefor should be tweaked. This just shows that we can trick google into delivering irrelevant and unintended information to the

This would not be like Apple, but it would go along with a A5x processor so you would see a small refresh with the high res screen and that is it.

You can see 1 brave guy run to the truck to rescue the driver who could have easily died since I doubt he was wearing protective gear. No one else even looks like they are worried about the driver of the truck

Looks great except the price. I think it will be under $3000 now that the 5D mark II will be around $2000

The US gets away with remaining private because it is not threatening war against those other nations like China. I bet you the minute we threaten China with military strikes or bombs, China will probably be getting ready to take us down as Israel is probably doing with Iran. I hope you are correct about Iran. Though