
Do people really turn on the Auto Insert? I love swiftkey but I definitely do not want a keyboard auto inserting words into my text messages. I'll click on the correct word thank you and swiftkey allows you to do this after suggesting the top 3 choices it thinks you will use next (and it is often right).

I do wish this had a regular hard drive option. SSD is still too much for the hard drive size we need for video/photo work. If the $2200 version had a 750GB 7200 rpm drive (maybe hybrid with 16GB flash for cache to speed things up), that would have been awesome. Still expensive, but not price prohibitive. To get

You would think so but I bet you there will be tons of these on college campuses. Never underestimate Apple's ability to redefine the 'normal' price for electronics. Most people somehow find a way to justify and accept the price...or maybe this helps explain the debt crisis we are in

They were saying this about the ipad 2 that apps were ready to support higher res displays. Maybe it's just there to support the high resolution monitors that already exist. Judging from the price of adding a 1680x1050 display to the 15" laptop, I doubt you will see anything in the lower end laptops. Apple still could

Why do phone records that show him receiving a text while driving make him guilty of texting while driving. I get text messages all the time and will even respond while stopped at a stop light. If I got in an accident 30 seconds later would I be put in jail even though my text was 30 seconds earlier at a stop light

As long as Z is playing by the same rules as we are, i'm fine with him being private. Nothing and no one is forcing you to post a picture publicly on facebook, or share confidential info with the world. You chose what you post and who you share it with. Don't post things that are not public. He just chooses not to use

It has a touch screen which is a first for a DSLR I think, Digic V processor which should see 1-2 stops of ISO improvement, manual audio control, 5fps (vs 3 for the old), and while it has the same amount of af points, all points are cross type sensors and the center has a dual cross type sensor (better af than the 5D

I can't imagine that people actually work there and do that mentally. Those people have some twisted minds. I have no problem whatsoever with killing animals for food but I would gladly pay extra to make sure that the animals were better cared for until they were killed. I really hope they start giving us choices at

Yeah, i'm talking in a premium, metal or similar casing, high end model. I own an Envy 14 & the newest Envy 15 because I could not afford the equivalent MBP and those were the best on the market. It looks like those may stay the best on the market too because I have yet to see any hints of the future for those models.

I have not seen many powerful mac book pro competitors on the horizon. A ton of ultrabooks but i'm talking something like the Envy 15 with a 15-17" screen, around an inch or less thick, with solid metal build quality, awesome dedicated graphics, 8GB+ ram, i7 processors, and a 1080p screen that can run CS6 without

I almost purchased the Xbox for an entertainment console. Ended up with google tv instead as I don't game and the revue was just $100. These features and the lack of support for Google tv would make me switch back....unless Google gets its act together with Google TV

I'm not sure why i'm even acknowledging your clueless statement with a response but here we go:

I don't know what you are talking about

4-5 years? 4K displays will be hitting the homes of the ultra rich by years end and general markets by 2014. 3D hasn't taken off like most tv manufactures wanted it to and they need profit desperately. 4K cameras are already hitting the market and will likely hit more mainstream markets by the end of 2013. I doubt you

Nickel and dime fees are already pretty outrageous but I just use calculators like [howmuchtofly.com] to figure out my bag and service fees for each airline before I buy. This probably is not a bad move to deal with the larger passengers who currently make things fairly uncomfortable for those of us who are not 18"

I don't think these look that bad.

Yes, it's $10. They redid the fee and advertise it now as a fee you pay to receive the unlimited data instead of just 4G. It sucks but they are still well below the competition in pricing. Even Verizon's 2GB data plan is still way more. If you need any more than 2GB (which you likely will in a couple months if you

If sprint was not $30+/month (depending on how much data you use) cheaper than verizon & att, your advice would be correct. For many of us who are on sprint, we are not there because of the awesome data speeds but because of the reduced pricing. For us, paying $30+/month more to switch providers for faster data speeds

I can't help but feel that we are making a ton of assumptions when measuring the amount of red/blue shift. Same thing with measuring light. Since we have never been to a star, planet, or other galaxy, can we assume that the light is constant? Without knowing the intensity of the light (or if anything might alter our

Seriously, giz is becoming more intolerant every day. Let them have their world without internet porn and online dating. Someone get them some parental control software and lets all get about our lives. Nothing to see here. Is the world really a better place because of porn and drugs anyway? I'm sure 40,000 people not