
too bad your going to have to hide it with a case. Whats the point now

@NuevoLeon: I can live without flash on an iphone. But I can't believe the IPAD has no flash. I need it on that.

@Bucky Rodgers: gambling can be a real issue. And people who are addicted often end up hungry & homeless

@ninjaroll: haha...wow. Sorry my blog post has impacted your life in such a major way. Sad I guess...but still funny

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Seriously...something else has got to be going on here.

@mecha2142: Of course when you download any android app, it tells you what the app has access to. So if you see the warning that the wallpaper app will access your phone calls & still download it, your stupid. The PDF event happens without your knowledge or concent

Apple is pushing the line now. At first it was ok just filtering xxx content but this is getting ridiculous. Not sure why they havn't filtered music yet. I'm pretty sure you can download music with language, sexual content, and violence in itunes

@Liam: I'm seeing that too. Better get the old job back

As if I needed another reason to love the evo. This is the best phone out there and it even predates the galaxy, droid x, and iphone...and still, its the best...especially after tuesday

for $400 i'll turn down my AC thanks. The idea was to not be running my AC so I can save money with my efficient fan.

@siwex80: the battery is bigger than the one in your iphone4. I agree w/you that the UI needs work but I still think its better than the apple OS, just not as fluid maybe. I'm sure if it could only put icons on the home screen, it would run well too. I have not personally used the Galaxy yet though

The iphone4 is glass now...its a whole new ball game to make white glass. They may have learned their mistakes and become pros now at white plastic, but they are new to manufacturing white glass and are having problems like crazy making it. Most likely the issue is in heat treating with the white.

@Thundergamer: I will say its gotten expensive. Brighthouse charges over $45+ for broadband under the new guidelines. They better start lowering prices too. They can't go charging $35 for packages that aren't even broadband speeds

@Odin: I make machines for plastic injection molding...its just about as easy as changing colors if it was plastic. Not much on the engineering side to consider for cell phones. I could see huge manufacturing issues for coloring glass though

@Odin: It would be that easy if it wasn't glass. I wonder if they are regretting that decision yet. Another area where aesthetics won over function....only now you have to put a case on the phone to use it & keep it from shattering so it might as well be plastic. You can't even tell the difference between the iphone4

somebody feed this girl. Wow. She's got some long fingers too. If this app shows too much, obviously the folks at apple's mind was in the gutter cause the picture itself shows nothing questionable. STOP PICTURING HER NAKED APPLE

ssshhhh....dont tell anyone. Thats how we make our money.

3d tv's are even worse than the theater experience. Pay $1000 more for a 3d tv, only invite 1 friend over at a time cause you can't afford 8 sets of glasses, try to fit the 3d glasses over your existing glasses, watch as your tv takes a hit in brightness, and get frustrated when you try to check your email on your