
I wonder if Apple will go all minimalist and buy i.Cloud...

It looks nice, but the concept is as bland as photographing clouds in sky. What's the point?




One word = Stargate.


They could have taken 2 1DX's, used 50/50 glass and shot at 24 fps to kick it up a knotch.

Saw it at an Arch Light last year. Felt like I was watching porn with movie critics.

Take apart and use the lens inside a disposable Kodak camera. It's clearer and you won't potentially cause water damage to your phone. Plus you probably have one stuck in-between your couch cushion.

Too bad Adrien Brody didn't watch this before the war started.

Add 2 more displays with a USB to DVI adapter.

So I currently am in a family shared plan with 1400 minutes. my dad and sister both have unlimited 3G (iPhone 4) and I have unlimited 4G (HTC Thunderbolt). When the next iPhone comes in out later this year, I will most likely have to pay full price for the phone to keep my unlimited 4G.

So... Carnivorous Plants Are Becoming Cannibals Because of Pollution

Keep your plan and pay full price or buy used.

No. You would need a 4x5 lens.

Why isn't this tech in cars yet?

I use Feedly on my phone anytime I get bored work or waiting for something. Of course there are some articles I quickly glance and decide not to read, but I spend more time reading then playing games or on youtube.

Any free moment I get in the day, I read RSS feeds with Feedly (Android). Feedly connects directly to my Google Reader account, which I have 51 subscriptions to. I don't know how I would be able to get +100 articles from various blogs if it weren't for RSS.

Come to think of it, I think I started pirating when the TV shows I wanted to watch never came on the air and were never on DVD. I would have MUCH rather preferred paying a monthly fee, instead of leaving my computer on for weeks, queued at 4/10 on mIRC with a 10kbps connection.