
I would prefer to get stream-able content through something like Netflix then wait for a download. If They setup a pay service for like $20, even $40 a month I would stop pirating. But I'm talking about even movie and show ever made by those companies, all accessible via TV or mobile. The selection on Netflix is too

IMAX archives all footage at either 8K or 12K.

If this was $5 like it should have been, I would wear it for the Fourth of July.


So I guess David Aames was only frozen for 11 years.

Isn't DXO the company that helps make Nikon Capture?

60 seems like nothing. Awesome kid.

Unlimited data with 9-15mbps @ $30 a month? I think I'll keep my plan.

What if you're addicted to LSD?


My Verizon account said I've used 4.5 GB's this month, but Speedtest says I'm getting 9-10mbps. So, What throttle?

I love how big of a bitch slap this is to wireless carriers. I also love how the New York Times is supporting this.

I had my tv hanging on my door. When I wanted to watch on in the living room, I closed the door. When I wanted to watch in my room, I opened the door.

I hope this camera has the focusing system and metering system of the 7D.

Instead of increasing the iso from 6,400 to 25,600, shoot underexposed at 6400 and push two stops in LR or Photoshop. You get better results.

And that's why your fat.

I wonder if I can hook up my mobile hotspot to to forward the connection on a 4G network.

It just got easier to do taxidermy.

I could have lived my entire life not reading the words "Good Incest"