
YouTuber CGP Grey gave the FSD beta one of its toughest challenges yet

This is one of the dumbest false equivalences I’ve ever seen

In light of this news, I will continue my boycott of Ellen, which has been in place for the entirety of the show’s existence. Actually, it’s not a boycott so much as it is a complete ambivalence combined with working during the day.

Shut the fuck up

Whatever the merits of any of that, (which, fuck no, I will not get into) I somehow don’t think his IG posts were in the spirit of actually having any sort of conversation.


This is what it looks like when your bubble pops around you. Before the posts he thought he was living in a world where this is the dominant attitude and would be widely welcomed and appreciated. Now that his bubble is popped he is left to deal with reality. My prediction for the future of Petrolicious? The go to

“Look, I promise I’m not racist against Black people. I do, however, not believe in a woman’s right to control her own body. Especially as it pertains to Black women.”

“the $214.3 million contract covers the “initial Army Procurement Objective” of 649 machine”

If you want the message to get across, you cannot play on American empathy. We have none.

And this my friends is a microcosm of why Americans have trouble with the (Virus).

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.”

#4- He’s on a nice farm upstate, where he can run free with the other Spectrum Children.

1. They also put him in a dark closet by himself to “calm him down”

Fuck these people - and almost all others - for living their lives online. Yes, it generates an income, but so does a lot of other stuff that people shouldn’t do. You sit down to a video and say it’s the hardest... video you’ve ever had to make publicly? Then thanking your viewers... and their nice comments. Maybe

I have some experience with this. Being sent away/“rehomed” is profoundly traumatizing, even when it’s in a divorce situation, with the child in question moving from parent to parent. It doesn’t matter how nurturing the parents are. The child internalizes it as a problem with them, and the sibs question whether it can

On #3. Besides from the fact that the kids could go ‘oh heck, they could get rid of ME’ and how fucked up that is, it could also go ‘well, if I don’t like something/someone that is different than me, I can just get rid of it/them’. Really messing up future relationships, both familial, social, and professional.

The way they make withholding information sound like they’re doing it solely to guard Huxley’s privacy is just unconscionable. Her fake crying could also use some work.

One can only expect so much interest after introducing a new character to the show. It made sense to get rid of that autistic kid character - her and the beard’s obviously real emotion and devastation makes fairly captivating content. But still... 3/5 enjoyed it, but looking for newer narcissist influencers.