As is tradition
As is tradition
He got the medal because he has a gold microphone. You know DJT wishes he thought of it first.
Boom! Lindelof said in his interview with Rolling Stone, “Well, there is one piece of IP that you have yet to see, and that is the final Peteypedia entry, which will drop on Sunday night. I’m not saying it’s going to definitively answer your question, but it will certainly add lube to the fire.”
Lady Trieu is able to predict things before they happen. So she seems to have an ability to see her own timeline, similar to Dr Manhattan. OR he gave her a road map.
Yes, Reeves has already said it’s inspired by The Long Halloween.
How do you not reference “Squid Pro Quo”?
I’m thinking it says SAVE ME DAMNIT
Yes, glad someone else pointed out it’s Jupiter. Almost certainly Europa based on the surface.
Any chance Lube Man is Petey? I’m going on slender man body type. Seems likely he would have some alter-ego.
This comments section seems to be a lot of gentiles talking about things they don’t understand. Exhibit A: this comment
Are they Zionists? Pretty interesting transition at the end.
They don’t get a pass. Florida State and the Seminole Tribe of Florida have a real relationship unlike most teams named for Native Americans. Students from reservations get full scholarships. The school actually tries to honor the tribe in meaningful ways. No one is claiming it’s flawless but FSU does make a good…
No, this is not it. The decline of reason and mistrust of experts goes much deeper.
If you think there’s even a chance a college team could beat any NFL team you should be writing for Gizmodo instead.
It’s only a matter of time before we get certain comparisons to Big Dick Nick
Dolphins fan here. I’m fine with it. We’re finally excelling at something.
This is a naive argument. How much he makes relative to any other job is irrelevant. He’s looking at his peers and that’s the only perspective that “matters”. If he plays corner only, he’ll make a lot more money, like TE’s wanting to be classified as WRs for contract negotiations. His mom seems to understand the…
Let the record show Tom Brady has one losing record in his career, 7-10 @ Miami. Sooo we got that going for us.
The LA Scooters