
that's true, but is there a way to dismiss all notifications? I can't stand it when I get an email notification, swipe to dismiss, and then get 8 more... IN. A. ROW. I *really* hope they fix this in iOS 6!

In the words of Sid the sloth: "... I thought you were a FEMALE!!" :)

I was just about to post these exact comments. The fact that the device requires more power to run its display and GPU implies there will be more thermal output... What *would* have been a surprise is if apple had found a way to absorbe the thermal energy ;)

We decided to upgrade (from the iPad 1), and I can tell you that I haven't personally noticed the additional 10deg... I'm sure, as PE say, if you made a point of it you could feel it, but it isn't noticeable in a vacuum.

As Tetsuoooo says *any* computer you purchase requires you to customize (e.g. install software) the device to make it perform the function you need.

I'm hoping there's some official word from AT&T prior to launch... I've been told that it should be possible to just pop the sim card out of the old iPad and into the new one, but I wouldn't be surprised if AT&T has a means of preventing that here.

Add to that, it is much easier to read at night. I read every night before falling asleep, and it would bother my wife if I had to have a lamp on. For me my tablet gets the win. I don't read much in direct sunlight, so that doesn't factor into my personal preference, mainly because when I'm outside, I'm... you know...

My wife has had an EVO since about the same time... and I have to agree with stiff for the most part. The phone's camera is pretty much worthless, and the battery life has been very underwhelming (and I've spent a good deal of time tweaking it to maximize what's there).

Yes, that's it exactly... it's definitely one of those "can't un-see" situations. Something similar applies to the iPad itself. Don't use one or you'll end up wanting it :) I've got an iPad 1 and am planning to upgrade if this "rumor" holds true, and they manage to keep the battery life at least what it was (frankly

I've done this with success when an app won't load properly also. In fact, Apple has been very customer focused when an app that I've purchased has a problem. I would definitely recommend these tips if you end up with software from the app store that doesn't work on your device.

*please* don't put me in the same bucket as Mr. Diaz... I'm an apple fan, but I don't think I'm anything like him. His unnecessary ability to throw profanity around is truly unmatched.

My 2 year old son is pretty much the same way... he loves it and can use it to get to the learning apps and is pretty careful with it (knows not to throw it or drop it, etc). Although, I wouldn't trust him to use it completely unsupervised :)

I was thinking exactly that when I watched the first essay. You can't blame Bill Gates for various hardware designs... although the whole press start to shutdown and his other comments made me laugh and are true!

I've done this with mixed results. On some occasions draining the battery fully has *caused* whatever process is getting stuck to get stuck... of course at the same time, I've had it occur randomly part way through a discharge cycle, so it may just be coincidence.

And you're starred how exactly?

I feel the same way about your unnecessarily foul mouth. And it does not give credence to your complaint or position (and really I am as unhappy about it as you are).

actually it's still slightly better in the battery life department than my old EVO... but not nearly as good as I was expecting (or at least hoping for). And I am observing the weird usage time pretty much matches standby time, even when I've killed all the apps and have it sitting idle for hours. Seems like something

Sure, it looks slick... but I'm not sure I see how the interface is "superior" to every other tablet?? Granted I haven't used it yet, but I really don't see how that statement holds up.

This is not true. Ironically, iCloud is only fully supported on OS X 10.7 (the latest and greatest), *but* it is supported back to Vista 2007 for Windows... you are probably right on the linux front, I'm not sure (parts of it may still work I would think).

the police will be arriving at your house shortly ;)