But “central Europe” was a huge place (considering the means mobility of people at the time), and this game is not about its biggest cities, it’s about a specific strip of country-side (where the author grep up).
But “central Europe” was a huge place (considering the means mobility of people at the time), and this game is not about its biggest cities, it’s about a specific strip of country-side (where the author grep up).
Your comment would be more meaningful if you were to point out some of those “specific parts”.
The whole point is “try expanding your toolbox and consider using something else once in a while”
That fear is a result of how the major game journos have enthusiastically worshipped every one of her videos, no matter how amateurish and dishonest, as “insightful” and something that “needed to be said” and that the industry “needs to take to heart” etc.
Contempt for consumers: Check.
Well, until now all of the “witches” burned at the stake of Title IX were men, which made it much easier for Jezebel to join the moral-panicking college-feminist mob against them.
It’s the whole “college rape culture” moral panic.
Show me one person who argued that it was “awesome”.
This is the stronger Sansa.
Really, you have a timeline that chronicles the actions (and motivations!) of every single one of the thousands of people in the diverse movement of GamerGate, that led you to conclude that they’re all “pathetic”?
Or at least for the 200+ individuals that attended the meet-up?
I’m still not sure what your point is.
Stalking harassment on a grand scale threats freezing bank assets swatting and causing people to lose their careers
Sorry to scratch at your preconceptions, but there was no “hating” at this party, it was pretty high-spirited:
Actually the GG people took it with humor.
Here’s a pic from the meet-up. Can you please point out to me which are the “sexually frustrated virgins”?
Don’t you realize that the previous threats that “GG” is blamed for were also made by anonymous trolls who were never identified?
What exactly is “sexist” about a friendly and cheerful meet-up of 200+ nice men and women?
We don’t.
Except “they”, as in the people attending the meetup, haven’t done any of those things.