A turnout of 200 to 300 people in a single city is pretty impressive.
A turnout of 200 to 300 people in a single city is pretty impressive.
I haven’t seen any GG supporters calling for such a boycott. Why should they?
I had to wonder who actually hears about these meetups outside of GGers and other channers
Such a meetup is the dark place, Simba. Never go there.
I cannot even FATHOM the depths of douchebaggery that would be as such a meetup.
i can imagine it now
“thinking gamers” have no reason to defend people who make death threats.
Nobody, other than GamerGaters themselves, cares enough to call in a fake bomb threat on these people.
This is what the “overweight neck-beard virgins” at the GG meet-up looked like. But yeah, keep clinging to your sexist and dehumanizing anti-GG narrative. After all, that shows to the world that you’re the good guys™!
hate filled misogyny and blinkered thoughts
What a sad and pathetic meet-up of angry white male basement-dwellers.
Just look at their faces - clearly so full rage, hatred & misogyny.
No reason at all to question that narrative about GG. /s
just lashed out and called me a bigot for no reason
Isn’t Sommers one of those, “men are from mars, women are from venus” people who basically treat men and women as different species who are suited to certain roles in life?
They can revive a dying movement
There is no “side” against GG.
campaign against liberal feminism
What’s wrong with having a friendly meet-up with people you’ve interacted with online and share some of the same issues with?
Wow, how close-minded and confirmation-bias-prone do you have to be to stoop to such levels of demonization against a large and diverse group of people, and still convince yourself to be in the right.