
First of all, how is overwatch porn homophobe and transphobe when it’s full of lesbian and futanari content?

“how much social responsibility are these creators expected to bear”

Nah, this is fine, let japanese developers do whatever they want. Sexy is fun. If you want you can ask for more sexy men, I wouldn’t mind that.

This is what happens when someone wants to be all progressive about something they made in a time where white and straight was the only way to sell anything.

What a piece of steaming human garbage.

she is actually a gyaru, she is japanese and tanned but hey whatever makes you happy ^^

I don’t understand, are you guys in favour of female sexuality in videogames or against it? I’m confused, you show how much the internet loves things like thicc zelda, 2b or twintelle but at the same time make bullshit posts about how sexist and offensive every game is...wot?

Being netflix I hope they don’t make geralt a transexual black woman and yennefer a muslim non binary ultra gender mega queer optimus prime :/

I agree, I was super on board with the team behind Nier automata but after they officially pinned the FAR mod thread it seems like they are just like “meh this modder made it good enough, fuck it” if when the patch comes the game doesn’t run fucking flawless, I’m gonna lose way too much respect for platinum, if at

I think you forgot to mention that most of their videos don’t reach 1k views and most of the rest not even 5k.

wow you people are really defending the wall street journal, which has been proven to use lies and are guilty of defamation, cool cool

he is right though

after seeing the two scams she pulled off I think you people should delete this article, or at least cover her scams

it’s quite sad how you rationalise gamers defending their hobby against your twisted politics as something terrible, I’m starting to see more and more people sick of your bullshit, trump getting elected was only the beginning and it’s all on you, you people made trump president by pressuring people to accept your

how is it transphobic? that scene doesn’t show any kind of FEAR against trans people and it’s funny

it’s not a mistake, the scene was hilarious and you all over sensitive cunts can go fuck yourselves, I’ll be masturbating to gerudo link if you need me ;)

this kind of humour wasn’t frowned upon here before the SJWs and the PC culture took, over seriously get over all this oversensitive shit, it’s pathetic

I’m more into Mipha also Link in the gerudo outfit made me realise I might be bi.

it really pisses me off that there are weapons, outfits and even companions locked behind amiibo, I have a friend who has

Gaming is one of the most inclusive communities I’ve seen, just because it became mainstream and a bunch of insecure pathetic bullies that started playing cod and fifa call themselves gamers, it doesn’t mean the gaming community is misogynistic or racist or anything else, the gaming community is filled with people of