
I don’t like high heels in the first place, why would anyone want taller women? (and no I’m not short :P)

I really like her art style but you wouldn’t have put all those spicy pics here if they were drawn by a male

Really sad that nier automata comes out this particular month, with horizon and zelda out, it will see its sales really diminished and square will think it’s because people are not interested in Nier. I’ve heard amazing things about the game and I think it doesn’t deserve to go unnoticed like it will probably be,

I also want more male characters but tbh the only new character I didn’t like is sombra, part because I think she is slightly uninspired but mostly because I’m a spaniard and latin american spanish sounds super bad to me, ana and orisa are godlike designs though

btw, not against you personally Brian, I know there are some workers here who have done some anti censorship and pro sexuality articles (like the criminal girls article) but kotaku in general is SJW trash imo, I just hope I don’t get banned for being rude to kotaku

are you guys okay with this game? not gonna call it misogynistic?

BTW KOTAKU! Be sure to keep this writer with you for a long time because she knows her stuff.

Not necessarily, but in general yeah, the better stories are usually those without fanservice, and tbh I don’t consider full frontal nudity as fanservice if it has a reason, like showing vulnerability, a new beginning or rebirth, among others

I agree those questions are spot on, I really hope feminism moderates itself in the next few years, I used to be a feminist when it really meant to be in favour of equal rights (and I’m still are, regarding women in underdeveloped countries) but I think it was gone real bad really quickly and it pains me to see it, I

I think bayonetta does it pretty good, ofc the camera gazes at her naughty bits but because she wants to, I’m actually not even attracted sexually to bayonetta, not my type, but I absolutely love the character and how she owns every bit of what she does

I would agree with you, if movie and game feminists didn’t say the same exact thing in the past and look at what happened, male sexuality is constantly shamed in those aspects and if a movie without a woman or a black man is released, the feminists flip their shit, if this woman is serious then I have no problem, I

Please, stop invading every male interest with pseudo-feminism, seriously stop, imagine men liking something that women in general are really into and they force in a bunch of boobs, action, violence and guns into it for no reason, that’s how it feels, stop forcing entire industries to change with internet pressure!

People selling their banned 3ds in second had websites, the people who usually buy second hand 3ds consoles are parents with little money that want to do anything for their children and they are gonna pay for a broken console, this is messed up

Men have the highest suicide rates in the world but I don’t see us complaining (until recently ofc because feminism is really going overboard) and I don’t see any feminist trying to fix that, male suicide is so high because it’s WAY harder to be a man in our society than being a woman but we are too used to be told to

Stop getting triggered, god videogames were just for fun before, now it’s a political war

These articles are a joke, specially with how pandering towards women is the videogame industry being, check your privilege

And pokemon GO and a championship where legendaries were legal exists which is saying a lot

that isn’t good...one piece animation has been massive trash for years now

now I can’t unsee it thanks...seriously tho, the new design is a fucking trainwreck, they used to be two Zs now they got super lazy animating it and made a wobbly line that look like a moustache, also he lost all the maturity he gained in XY and worst of all, no serena, also the other characters also lost the wide

Ew a kotaku planet, I don’t want to play this game anymore