Lol seriously. Travis Pastrana is the friend who is effortlessly more talented and better than you at everything, but doesn’t make you feel bad and is basically just a wholesome guy.
Lol seriously. Travis Pastrana is the friend who is effortlessly more talented and better than you at everything, but doesn’t make you feel bad and is basically just a wholesome guy.
Who? thinks?? this???
Also, fractional leads are better than whole number leads. Best of all are transcendental leads such as pi, because when you have a pi lead, the other team can’t tie the game, because when they attempt to score pi runs, they only get halfway around the bases.
Heroic NCAA Protects Student From Football
Dear Honda,
At that price, I’m taking a trip over to my local credit union to get pre-approved right away! NP!!!
50th anniversary of the R-35? Yeah, that feels about right.
Yes poor people are being pushed further and further from city centers across the world. This is a separate problem. But you are mistaken if you think poor people are then driving cars and trying to park in any modern city center, be it Madrid, London, Paris, Frankfurt, etc.
Cities in Europe should ban ICE cars from city centers. Public transport is good and many cities have bad air quaility becasue of them.
Low income people don’t have cars (unless they’re forced into car-ownership slavery because they have no other option, like many Americans who live in transit-deserts). Many of these folks drive jalopies because they have no choice, and are one major repair bill away from financial ruin.
Janky mods are actually pretty period-correct for the tuner scene back then.
They called it the Mazda THREE - they knew what they were doing...
My wife always tells me that she wants to drive her cars until the wheels fall off. So, I guess this might be her next vehicle.
And people wonder why Alfa reliability jokes are still funny. They’ll stop being funny...when they stop being true.
Fun fact: “The Touching is, To Me, Off Limits,” was the original title of MC Hammer’s 1990 breakthrough single.
I admire Trump and his team’s ability to successfully push the narrative that supporting Trump = supporting America. It is so far removed from reality that having to explain it to someone is almost more trouble than it is worth.
You’ll never stop me from anthropomorphizing cars, or, really, almost anything. Also, you’re close to getting disinvited to my desk lamp’s Bar Mitzvah.
When coasting in gear you aren’t wearing the clutch