
so you're making up things he obviously never said. solid.

it stays true, but somehow people stay unable to distinguish between criticism of ideas and criticism of people… unless, of course, we're talking about christianity or literally anything else. curious.

how'd you know i love nuance, sara?

okay, i'm just not sure where "white nationalist" is coming from, mainly because
a) he disavows those people and doesn't espouse any kind of racial superiority rhetoric
b) it's an incredibly loosely defined characterization that's being thrown around as a slur *very* casually
i really take no pleasure in sounding like

people who are liberal are allowed to criticize illiberal and repressive ideas.
people who are liberal are allowed to criticize illiberal and repressive ideas.
people who are liberal are allowed to criticize illiberal and repressive ideas.

okay, i think you're trolling or being some level of disingenuous…. throwing out a bunch of wild accusations, hysteria, and even a theory about my account being "fake." i don't know what that means; i don't think i'm as into internet comments as you. if you're actually alleging that leslie jones suffered some horrible

aside from none of that really being true, this reads like somebody who is only passingly familiar with the CNN version of gamergate (as i was for a long time), and who gets his views on milo from a few like-minded people on twitter.

he is a terrible human being and a threat to our republic and i still find you ridiculous and hysterical for calling him a neo-nazi. i think it's because you're trivializing the pure evil of the nazis.

so honest question, is anybody who supports tighter immigration restrictions a white nationalist to you? could you point to one of his views that's really abhorrent and beyond the pale?

where he speaks to the right in their own echo chamber, huh? and it's not important to ever talk to the people who share his views, even if they just put a cartoon tyrant in the white house?

he has pretty generic conservative views wrapped up in an "edgy" packaging, designed to cause outrage and make him famous. i would challenge you to find some view of his that is outside of what a large chunk of the country believes. calling him a monster is playing right into his game.

this is ridiculous and you cannot substantiate it at all. there is not a single prominent neo-nazi public figure in this country.

i don't think i'm appreciating the substance of your argument. seems like "YOU'RE BREITBART!!!" is the entirety of it, but you wouldn't waste our time with something like that, now.

oh are you trolling? i have no idea what this is about either.

you could be suffering from this thing going around where people are seeing nazis everywhere they look. ask your doctor if going outside and talking to real people is right for you.

like bill maher and sam harris and the liberals who stand by liberal values but think the social justice movement has reached absurd excesses?

i don't even remotely know what you mean by this, nor do i read or identify with the breitbart crowd, if that is seriously what you are inferring.

*agrees with milo on the things people are currently fired up about
nitpicking concluded?

the fact that you are unable to distinguish between maher's "old school liberalism," as katie put it, and breitbart, is the entire reason the progressive wing of the left is losing relevance.

it must be so troubling for you when people from all across the political spectrum can agree that we're just done with the absurdity and hysteria of the social justice crowd.