Thirsty Squirrel

I was clearing brush (thorn bushes and the like) from a cattle field with an axe. I'd walk up to a bush and just swing at the base and try to lop it off - they were all about 3-4' tall and 1-2' around, not too big. I took a swing and there happened to be a rabbit hidden down at the base of this one. I about cut it

I guess 2-3 hours doesn't really count as "whip up". Still, this is my go-to for "here's a giant pot of food to feed yourself for a week".

Texas Chili (chunks of beef, no beans)

Has anyone besides Magary read The Devil in the Grove? I read that on his recommendation, and thought that the basic story was great, but the way it was told was jumbled, disjointed, and distracting.

Wife and I are thinking of a 4 door hatch or a wagon, as our current road trip car (Camry) can't fit a rear facing car seat and our 65# greyhound comfortably in the back. I've tasked myself with producing a short list of 5 or so cars, and remembered the Focus ST. Any thoughts on how that package would fit with the

Right click, open link in new window. In the address bar, change the file name from ku-medium.jpg or whatever to original.jpg.

He never did get over Mike Scioscia's rejection.

I bet he was eating some sort of "reasonable" cheese and peanut butter based monstrosity, too.

Was Butfuqer069 already taken?

I live in Alexandria, Virginia. This is my favorite Deadspin post of the year, every year.

Wow, Dan really had a lot to say this week.

That's from the RS article, actually...

Report: Ten Pounds of Flour Makes a Big Fucking Biscuit

ESPN turning a blind eye as well, eh? I guess Stuart Scott still holds sway in Bristol.

I see you've never had my wife's blueberry pie or blueberry cobbler or blueberry crisp. Let's make a deal - we'll agree that blueberries are actually kind of purple, and purple things are delicious, and then I won't have to stop reading Foodspin because ... well, I wouldn't stop reading Foodspin, but I wouldn't have

... Blueberries?

Todd Haley doesn't know how to spell 'Amistad'.

Todd Haley wrote a friend of the court brief on behalf of the Steubenville rapists.

Todd Haley completely agrees with BlessedToCommentJohn316.

Todd Haley once dropped an upper decker at his mom's house as retaliation for her filing a domestic abuse complaint against his dad.