Thirsty Squirrel

Anyone have a link to an NFL redzone feed? Neither on atdhe are working for me...

I know I'm late here, but Nyjer please! Think of the children!

I will pull out the stepladder later. As for now, I'm drunk on the Phillies losing. Huzzah! (right? Huzzah?)

I-must-be-stupid DUAN- Is there no longer an "expand all replies" button?

Nope. Wasn't AJ. It was that asshole Bernard Berrian.

Just remember - its the 80's

You know, I just kind of don't like the name beetle.

I live in Alexandria. Whereabouts are we talking?

I enjoyed the reading at Politics & Prose precisely because of the inside-baseball questions that were asked about KSK kharacters, poop, anger, swearing, Bill Simmons, and so on. The answers were great, of course, but the real thrill was seeing people who had no idea who Drew was, who thought this was like a normal

So now they're paying offensive linemen?

Between the pinky toe and the... uh... toe next to the pinky toe. The ring toe. There's gold to be had in there, I tell you!

I am one of the few (surely) who has a Nook. I looked up The Postmortal and I'm happy to report you're #2 on the "Trending" list, behind only "Once a Princess". Here's the kicker- it looks like its about a stripper! In Mississippi! Do you think she's related to Brett Favre?

Question for you Drew... is there one thing you can remember that to you is the funniest thing you've ever written? Just that one line/joke/article where you felt like you hit a walkoff grandslam or something?

One of the names in a league I'm in is "Plaxidents Happen". Another is "Jacquizz In My Pants". They're both solid. I always want to name my team after a long-time-ago Deadspin commenter: Somewhere Over Dwayne Bowe

Gopher, Everett?

I picture every LSU fan as a 350-pound man with limited cognitive brain function who drags a lawn chair and Igloo cooler around with him everywhere he goes

The one time you can use your big fancy update for some big fancy slideshows and.... dagger.


OOHHHHH The waaaagon. Right.

AJ I thought I knew how I felt about you, and then you go and post Mumford playing Wagon Wheel with Old Crow and all these other fine folks and well, gosh. Now I just don't know what to say. I think I'll drink some Willet now.