Thirsty Squirrel

My grandparents had a 1950's M-FarmAll tractor with a 30" saw blade you could attach to the PTO. That thing was pretty sweet. #pickuptrucks

Shame on Glamour Magazing for sponsoring this race.

Just want to say that anyone who DOESNT read Joe's blog is missing some of the best writing anywhere, not just sports related.

@CaptainHomeless: I hope to mine several gems from his rant for fantasy team names. Don't let us down Drew!

@Chris Hanson's Axe: I saw another FJM-worthy performance on Baseball Tonight today at noon. Did you know that Matt Holliday is hitting so well after coming to St. Louis because of Heart? Apparently he really wanted to try hard for his new team, and hadn't been trying hard for his old team.

Needs more righteous indignation to be true sports writing...

I don't see what this has to do with bashing the Mets.

I can't help keep thinking about this and how boneheaded it is. What if you're a fan of the 49ers, Raiders, (gasp!) Cardinals, Seahawks, Broncos... are you going to skip work to watch the draft? Is it going to be on a tape delay which then no one will watch?

I hope you all learned something from this.

She is 90-2 lifetime with 44 no-nos, 23 perfect games, an ERA of 0.006 and just jizzed in her pants, judging by the look on her face.

Pirates used to have panache; one could identify with them, even root for them, and many of them even had a code of ethics

Well I don't know about you all, but I'm hooked.

@pr0FF3ss0r_j3rkwh3at: You know, I hadn't quite thought about how it must be to have this one voice that you completely represent with your franchise, until you brought up college sports. Bill Roth and Mike Burnop have been doing Virginia Tech football and basketball for more years than I've been on this earth, and I

@Eamus Catuli: Do it. Write that back to him- he might have thought it himself, but there's no reason you can't beat him over the head with it.

Last night... Dara... was the man.

@Barry Lutz: +1 i almost spit my portuguese breakfast sandwich all over my keyboard.