
An ARGer put the comic into a readable format.

Awesome, hopefully they improve the getting up animations and friction in general, those were the real deal breakers.

Kotaku was the last one to reveal their piece of the puzzle?

Please tell me what other AAA FPSes have jets and squads as part of their core? And no AAA FPSes had prone until Battlefield started it.

Huge new breakthrough earlier today, [valvearg.info] http://valvearg.info/wiki/People

Look at TrackIR, Kinect head tracking would be exactly like that but without having to wear something.

Youtube give in to every slightest complaint.

I wonder what the overlap is of "Madden Fans" and "PETA Activists"...

But I'm gonna be down planet-side doing your dirty work for you, or telling you I am then blowing the up-front money on new armor and guns!

Dammit Japanese Television, stop never ceasing to amaze me!

Apple's closed-gate system does. (the same goes for XBLA and PSN, but they aren't involved in this article)

I can't wait to blacklist dicks like you and reduce the chances of good players taking your offers!

They said missile launchers are next, along with muzzle flash...

They're doing a playability push too, or you could just wait for Dust 514 if you want to get involved with the universe.

This isn't why you should avoid downloads, this is why you should avoid Apple.

This thing is awesome, but it isn't really a hack, someone just made a GUI for changing your autoexec.cfg.

They're certainly less dickish.

Heh, paying money for maps, heh.

The elder gods are trying to take over your interwebs!

You Wouldn't Download a Graphics Card.jpg