Now playing

Everything shows up on the timeline, the amount (and rate) of resource gathering, building of units, doing damage to units, units taking damage, and chronoportation of units.

Full-screen scope zoom :/ guess that is what happens when you have to take 6 year old tech into account...

Yeah, meta-time because you're one of the titular Achrons, a being that exists outside of time.

This is a fun rush to watch:

The micro you can do in this game is absolutely mind blowing.

Wait how did I end up here, come back PC Gamer and RPS, come back!

Cool story bro, it's the virtual equivalent of the 'Arab spring' get over it. If you don't understand that then you're part of the problem.

This, EA broke Valve's rules regarding Steam through Crytek so Crysis 2 could leave Steam and make it look like Valve's fault.

This is going to last until EA realizes Steam users are going retail instead of Origin.

I was going to try and make a witty post but this is already the best response possible.

gifsoup.com, really? Anyone can make their own gifs with Virtual Dub, incredibly easily. (random unassociated gif I made for comparison)

"Serious and sophisticated", who thinks this was Anonymous again?

I hope Planetside Next wasn't delayed by this.

Cool jumping to conclusions bro.

Hahah this game looks like shit, and we all know will have a shit story and play like shit too.

"though it's unclear if some will be cut before release or perhaps sold later as expansion packs."

More like "How I Confused Myself Into Thinking a Video Game Chickened Out Of Letting Me Play Out My Fantasy of Being a Horrible Person for No Reason"

>Play with AI in a multi-player game