
Because they're poor after buying all that tech!

I can see a lot of people going back to the leaked version if some enterprising modders fix it up.

TBH Crysis 2 doesn't sound like your kind of game, I found the sneaking, and the suspense created by "WARNING LOW ENERGY" absolutely intense and engaging.

Yes, the SP game is absolutely amazing.

"Real robots" are awesome, never liked the "super robot" stuff.

Call it consolized, call it a CoD clone, it is still a fucking fun game. (and certainly better than CoD)

Yay suppression, keep up the gameplay improvements DICE and BF3 might not be consolized!

Yeah instead you explode 1 wall with 1 unit of explosive.

Valve: Cool

Frostbite 2? Whats that?

I didn't get it at first but I think he's playing on how flashy the video is and that episode of Pokemon that got banned because it gave people in Japan seizures.

So do I get a Kinect for this or for home made mo-cap?

Don't forget to kick ass!

If they were trying to make the best game it'd be PC only...

People don't open every link in a new tab still?

Anyone else find novice harder than veteran?

What, Machismo is hilarious. And CAD is not good at all.

I'd upload an "I don't give a shit" image to excite all the Halo fanboys in the crowd, but I can't directly upload...

"Jailbreaking" certainly makes sense for any "closed garden" device.