
@Narishma: I love that adaptive zoom, wish every game had that.

@OriginalGman: It's so impossible that not even the most optimistic advertiser would dare say it.

@jezz.torrent: I sure don't remember any shooting in Tony Hawk.

@kibles: Wow, please sir, tell me where all of these past Bulletstorms have been hiding? Because this game looks pretty fucking original.

@ninjablaze: Except this is getting actual updates!

This game just has insane immersion, I had to stop during Running Man, I was getting paranoid. Those bots running up in my face beating me? and he wants me to trigger them and then sit in that area for 30 seconds? Hell no sir, hell no.

@Lionel Hutz: Here we see a person who, for whatever reason, refuses to use Flak Jacket.

@diabadass: Well, when he made "Your Stupid" the given space, the opposing team knew they had no chance.

@chickdigger802: I think the PSP2 could break the 3DS just by being sat on top of it...

@turkish101: The system the game was made for.

@LucasReis: And how many achievements do you unlock if you enjoy a game? and how many if you don't?

@dana22: Man, if Remi is your average French douchebag, I really want to live in France.

@V864: He was probably pissed off at the crack in his windshield, a bittersweet victory...

@mkbruin: Good to see it isn't going to waste!

@scratch2c: I quite enjoy Black Ops on the PC, the gunplay is by far the best of any recent FPS.

@OneColdMonkey: It's pretty fun, I certainly recommend it.