
@8thR: Same here.

I was surprised when I read 5 dollars for 5 hours, that is horribly expensive. (Not to mention that no recent/good games have this yet)

Did anyone else's Steam version of Black Ops just update today? Was the 1.05 patch not required to play online and I was just late getting it somehow?

That's what they said about BC2 and APB...

Totally agreed, my Wii is gathering dust after we had our fun with Brawl, my PS3 is on life-support so to speak, I'm awaiting Motorstorm: Apocalypse after beating AC2: Brotherhood and the 360 is far too expensive to upkeep considering how much I play it. In the end, in terms of consoles at least, I prefer my PS3, but

Just let the peasants have their fun.

He has a point I think. 360 and PS3 are in a different tier from Wii just as the PC is from 360 and PS3.

I haven't seen any 'console wars' since the movement gaming stuff came out for PS3/Xbox, the only time these battles arise is when new devices are announced by Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo.

Except we haven't wasted our money. (In b4 "Elitist OH EM GEE", yeah sure, thanks, we are the elite of gaming!)

I agree with you on the Mac, but Wii and PS3, really? They both either innovated (Wii) or have great exclusives and more free stuff (PS3)

Everyone should be forced to read this website as part of graduating high school.

If you want to be ignored/laughed at and played with, sure!

Not only would that be hard to do in terms of code, it'd be hard to convince Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo why it is a good idea at all.

It's obviously Genesis vs Nintendon't!

Sadly I couldn't take your comment seriously after you typed "couldnt".

Because it is way up above, watching, laughing, and taking a sip of *PREFERRED BEVERAGE*.

If I knew ahead of time that glasses were so common I probably would've gotten Four Eyes instead.

Essentially, Wild Wasteland unlocks the full game. (besides, was it just me or was there really no GOOD starting perk, I just chose Wild Wasteland because I didn't like any of the other choices...)

@XForce: That is because Valve made a PR mistake and didn't show off the game as much as they should have.

@Superfly_CJ: People that just make addons for RPG games certainly can't hold a candle to the creators, but mod teams that spend years making an entirely new GAME are the only real people worth following.