
First of all, Crackdown was a great game.

@Lucalain: Just like World of Warcraft, what kind of lame name is that?

Crysis 2 is going to be the best looking (barring 'artistic' quality) console game this gen.

Cards like Platinum Angel are the reason why I love M:tG.

Spoilers: People are going to pirate anyways

Exception and Enthusiast both list *GPU*x2.

I think I read that last line in Kirby's voice somehow...

I'm sorry but CoD has much more fluid movement than Counter-Strike.

Oh no Kotaku Bombing an IRC channel?!?


Two more things: Lost the edit button, and fucking Youtube Autoplay. It even bypasses my extension meant to stop Youtube videos from autoplaying...

I hadn't heard about it since the whole "GAMES ARE ART THING" until you just mentioned it.

I hated it when I first tried it, but I stuck with it and I love it, especially the side-bar with all the stories.

Ah, I was just about to start my own thread about this, very good guide.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Isn't it Neh-Vah-Dah?

Now I know why I should own a gaming laptop...