
Modding teams have been out preforming studios since... forever I guess? See: Mechwarrior: Living Legends, Project Reality (BF2, ArmA2:OA), Dystopia, Empires Mod, and so on...

Can't wait!

lol what, he wants to open up a console so people can use it how it was originally intended.

Wow, the featured thread is about someone getting mad at a quote. I'm disappoint Kotaku.

Might as well, yeah.

This, Sony letting Motion Control fall more or less by the wayside is certainly a good move. It is a fad that, while selling well, won't sell much more because everyone already has one!

The game's story is supposed to be about people experiencing different parts of the apocalypse too...

Not having a demo for PC?

Tee-Hee, carebear!

Oh it's a thousand people, just half of them are standing inside the other half for most of the video.

Planetside was the best, 133v133v133. (399 players at once, with room for a GM)

So James Cameron is the 3D Whisperer?

Great, now I have to reinstall GTA4 again!

Being bad in general?

Wow, neat.

@campbell000: You're supposed to read comments before downloading.

@Mike Egan: I didn't say it was going to happen fast, but it will eventually happen, Ubisoft has already relaxed the DRM policies on their games for instance.

@gordeaux: I'm sorry but the sandwiches were STOLEN, not copied.