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this guy is my hero.. 

this is not for people who serve coffee.. 

the question i want to ask.. what if womens soccer in the USA becomes bigger then mens soccer... should the women be able to make more money then the men?

whites pay more for the same houses and thats bad for blacks?

lol.. true.. 

white people never knew

if you are a prochoicer then her being pregnant does not matter.. 

damn dirty chinese

i guess you have no intention of retracting this story.. even CNN has retracted this narrative...


i used to cash my paycheck at walmart every week... one week i worked a bunch of over time my check was 50% more... they rejected me... i am white.. the check cashier was black... 

i bet you could show a license plate to a japanese “jap” person that says JAP 472... and ask them if it is racist.. and they not even connect the JAP part to them...

shit happens? 

elizabeth warren made the list?

just watch the black people

Solution: Dealer network

if in you mind you are in the right apartment..how would you act if you walked into your apartment and there was a man in there.. especially if you notice your door was unlocked.. did someone break in? let me open the door slowly.. who is this man that just jump out at me.. everything happens in seconds.. if it was

probably were dry as hell

would it be cultural misappropriation if he did

great article... im going to write my name on it and pass it around.. im a great writer!