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i would round it down to a good 90.. but ya.. popeyes chicken skin sandwiches every day.. 

how is this not racist?

shes only popular because people with 2 jobs gets counted twice in polls

Toys R Us went out of business because parents spend their money on weed.. not toys

a contact is a contact.. its the law... 

your assumption was correct because you are on a liberal site.. if it was a black calling the cops on a white.. it would not be here.. 

made me watch that and the kk didnt win? stuff like this happens all the time if you played any amount of poker


but you dont need an oil change twice a year

roth 401k is not the same as a roth ira.. earning are taxed.. only the amount you put in is not taxed.. 

dude is out 200-400 for that miaita

you forgot nigger.. you stupid nigger..... oh wait.. stupid nigger too.. you damn moon cricket... oh wait.. moon cricket... 

you are a fucking nigger

i guess they were white because its not on root..

it shows blue states didnt release the data..

this as france i beieve

isis wants to help you too.. if you are feeling suicidal call isis.. especially if you can drive a truck

i went to a poor school... and we had AC... plus... we dont go to school in the summer.. i never heard of a school in the south without AC.. it has to be used in the winter for us.. this article is a prime example of disconnect.. just another stupid white liberal cunt..

should a baker have the right to refuse to make a wedding cake for a man marrying a 12 year old girl? wedding is not in the usa.. they going to bring the cake with them

what did you say?