Derrick Sanskrit

I think I know the exact shrine you're talking about, as it was the first "Major Test of Strength" I encountered as well, and it trounced me thoroughly (I glided there from a cliff, though, and had just barely enough stamina to make the trip at the time). Now that I'm more experienced and have upgraded my clothes a

The Switch port of World of Goo just uses the accelerometer, similar to how the Wii MotionPlus did. You set it on a table to center it, the game calibrates to that position, and then you can re-center it anytime you want by tapping I think the minus button. All the fun of aiming a reticule on the screen with none of

I was thinking about the capacitive stylus as well, the ones that attempt to emulate the feeling of a human finger instead of a pen tip, and man, that is an unsexy image, dragging across your shiny new Switch. Also, for those of us more practiced in using buttons instead of the stylus, the joy-cons lack a traditional

I had largely been ignoring Snake Pass right up until all the positive reviews and previews over the past week or so, and now it seems like exactly the type of game I want in my life, so I might dive into that in the coming days.

Kyla and I hum a couple bars of "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" every time I put on that outfit. It's horrible and we hate it but we just can't stop it.

There are a TON of Traveler's Swords spiked into the ground outside Ash Swamp, to the East of the Dueling Peaks horse stable. I just went by there last night for the first time in, like, three weeks and was like "woah, look at all these free swords!"

Same here, my default outfit when I'm just out exploring the world is the Climbing Set's pants and bandana, paired with the Champion's tunic, so I can see health meters before I even see enemies in the woods or around rocks. I'll change to special clothes if I'm swimming, on a snowy mountain, or diving into the

Like Wolfman and Vyolynce said, I also looked at this photo like "well how the f*** am I every supposed to find that?!" but I tend to talk to everyone whenever I get to a stable for the first time because I like their flavor and some of them have side quests, and sure enough, at a particular stable, the painter looked

Very excited for this. I've had an troubling relationship with JRPGs in the past, and I thought I was ready to give up on the genre altogether, but then Tokyo Mirage Sessions (which was basically Persona-lite) just charmed the hell out of me. Kyla was shocked when she saw that our save file was around 65 hours when we

Considering those four islands (Tingel, Ankel, Knuckel, and Davdi) all resemble the names of the Tingle brothers (Tingle, Ankle, Knuckle, and David Jr) from Wind Waker and Minish Cap, it's definitely not an accident.

I hope they let us switch weapons between matches, because I really want to experiment with all the new loadouts without missing out on the limited playtime by backing out of lobbies.

My calendar says 11pm ET, ending at midnight. The first session is today at 3pm ET, but I'll still be at work.

I was disappointed with Tingel Island when I visited, but perhaps you'll fare better. I hope there's a pleasant surprise there that I just missed because I was too busy swearing at Octorocs (is it just me, or are Octorocs INFINITELY WORSE in this game than ever before?).

For real. I paraglided all the way to Eventide Island just because I saw a name that closely resembled Koholint and was like "Ooh, I LOVE Link's Awakening!"

Definitely. Had I known that, I might have held off to do Gerudo last (though I do love having the accessory shop there open. I've got the sapphire tiara for heat resistance, diamond tiara for guardian resistance, and topaz earrings for shock resistance).

For the most part, I liked the hideout. I got caught a couple of time for reasons I felt were bullshit, like, but being able to climb up the little hut in the biggest room or a guard turning around at one point instead of staying on the square-shaped path I watched him follow four times before I approached. The boss

My week has been divided neatly between Typeshift, Everything, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and I expect my weekend will be the same with occasional breaks for the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire.

My Switch profile screen says I've put in "over 55 hours" (probably closer to 60) and I've only JUST cleared my second Divine Beast. I'm spending most of my time just climbing stuff and looking around! And cooking and selling meat.

There are dozens of other Alan Watts recordings throughout the game. This morning I came across the one from the trailer and it felt so comforting to hear it again as I explored on my own.