Derrick Sanskrit

I wouldn't say that "poking" each of the things in Everything generates a canned response. I really enjoyed the way that playing as a single strand of hair floating above the grass meant moving differently from playing as a fast food restaurant. I liked that dancing as penguins in the snow moved and sounded totally

Launched on PlayStation 4 this week, coming to Steam for PC/Mac next month.

For Steam on my Mac I tend to use either a relatively inexpensive Logitech gamepad or a PS3/PS4 DualShock, whichever is closer at the time. Compatibility varies from game to game, but most Mac Steam games with controller support will support one or both of those (Hotline Miami 2, for some reason, only liked my PS3

Warning that it's not exactly meditative. Stuff happens, it just happens very sporadically. If you leave it going for long enough, REALLY BIG stuff happens. Still, 98% of the time, it is a quiet, peaceful, contemplative thing to rest casually in your periphery.

"The External World" is another darkly hilarious twisted piece of beauty from OReilly. There's a whole lot to love right here on his Vimeo page.

The trophy data on my PS4 also has the "PS Vita" tag next to it, which was a surprise to me. This seems like a mistake, but I'd love to play this in bed just like I used to with Proteus.

Oh, yes, I am loving Everything so far. I've been looking forward to this game for what feels like a year now, and I've been a fan of OReilly's for for quite a while, ever since first seeing Please Say Something at a film festival nearly a decade ago.

For me, if the operative verb one uses to interact with it is "play," I feel like it counts as a "game." I've been having almost as much fun playing with Everything as I have with Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and just as much discovery and experimentation with mechanics and environments.

*raises hand*

Just a quick heads-up that the servers for Monster Hunter Tri on Wii were shut off a few years ago, shortly after the Wii U/3DS version of Tri Ultimate was released. Single player might still be okay, but I sold my copy to GameStop around that time and they only gave me a dollar, so I'm not sure how much game is still

Literally every single amiibo will drop something. The Zelda-themed ones give specific items (I only have the Smash Bros Toon Link, so every day it gives me an assortment of fish and a treasure chest with Windwaker-specific weapons or clothes) but every other amiibo drops a random assortment of 3-6 cooking

This game has been an amazing experience to play alongside my fiancée, as we have very different goals and reactions and it's fun to see how we both take it in simultaneously. She's obsessed with collecting horses and furious that you can only keep five at a time. She had no interest in the dogs until I showed her

I mostly run into problems with draw distances. On several occasions I have paraglided down from a tall mountain across a seemingly clear valley only to have a Guardian materialize right next to me while I'm in mid-air. Not cool. Just last night, as Kyla and I were hunting down a couple of the memory locations, we

Yes, that is the same 16-bit Picross, sadly it still hasn't released in North America so I've only played it in an emulator.

I am deeply embedded/in love with Zelda: Breath of the Wild though the more I look at other people online the more I realize I really haven't progressed through the story/adventure. It's just so much fun wandering and exploring and riding horses! I'm something like 30 shrines deep but I've only rescued one of the

The tetrimino puzzles in the The Witness are the ones that typically gave me the most trouble as well. You can definitely rotate the shapes, the real problem comes from keeping track of when and how those shapes can touch one another. I hope that wasn't too much of a spoiler/clue! Keep at it, I believe in you!

Welcome to the brotherhood of Picross fanatics! Mario's Picross on GB is probably my most-played game of all time (it lived in my Game Boy for about eight years and I memorized every time trial solution to the point that I could solve any in under 30 seconds, but that was over a decade ago). There was a Japan-only

My Switch finally arrived Monday afternoon, so I've dabbled in Snipperclips and 1, 2, Switch, but mostly, like everyone else, I've been absolutely buried in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I've cleared 17 shrines so far and just this morning gotten to the peak in Zora's Domain everyone was talking about above where you

Oh my Glob, Lynel scared me so much. The first memory I found was of the gate northeast of Kakariko Village and I cautiously walked through it to see what was beyond. I saw a suspicious-looking animal off in the distance, so I brought up the camera and zoomed as far as I could. It just barely got within range to

I took a week off of work for this, too, something I haven't done in over two years. I was going to have nine largely uninterrupted days to enjoy this. Now it'll likely be delivered late in the day on Monday and I'll have, at best, six days. Amazon has robbed me of at least three days of my rare time off.