Derrick Sanskrit

The bundle comes with a download of Splatoon 2, not the cart. I downloaded Splatoon 2 simply because I knew I'd play it too often to want to be rapidly switching out game carts, and I also fear the prospect of young nephews and nieces grabbing small game carts and throwing them under furniture or in the trash when I'm

I definitely had this problem with both Triple Deluxe and Return to Dreamland. They were both fine games, but they felt generally uninspired in the grand scheme of Kirby games, particularly as the only unique abilities in both were just screen-clearing instant-win attacks a la Calvin Ball. Planet Robobot, at least,

The preview of the as-yet-untitled Kirby Switch game that they showed at E3 looks a lot like that. It's clearly a co-op traditional platformer in the vein of Return to Dreamland or Adventure, but I love that the "theme" looks to be love, as there are several scenes of throwing hearts to turn enemies into co-op

You definitely do. They often have really great clothes to order, and its a much faster way to see if Salmon Run is on than booting up the game.

Mmm, I wouldn't agree on that just yet. I was incredibly excited to check the stores every day in Splatoon 1, right up until it was clear that I owned everything and the stores had nothing to offer me. Maybe it's because I have that history of owning all the things and wanting to not waste my limited money since I

Mostly Splatoon 2 for the same reasons as everyone else. Gotta stay fresh! I also try to remind myself a few times a day to pop back into Fire Emblem Heroes.

I am loving Salmon Run so much more than I expected, frustrating though it may be. My wife gets some sick pleasure out of my increasing screams whenever the fog rolls in, the tide rises, or it gets dark and then the glowing gold salmonoids start rushing you. They are simultaneously the easiest bosses—you just shoot

My wife talked me into watching every episode of One Tree Hill last year (because we apparently enjoy punishing ourselves AND our Netflix recommendations) and she was clearly looking forward to my reaction to this scene, which was simultaneously A) "this is the best thing that's ever happened on this show" and B)

I read on the internet that if you die in NieR: Automata, you die in real life.

I've never had a problem with headphone audio through the Dualshock 4. When Rock Band 4 first came out, I played some solo guitar on mornings before work with headphones in the Dualshock so as to not wake my then-girlfriend and everything sounded crystal clear. I'm sure it was confusing for her to wake up and just

1. I mostly play in TV mode, largely because my wife likes to look up every now and then and if I play in handheld it's like I'm shutting her out. That said, Breath of the WIld didn't really feel magical until I played it in handheld mode on the train after playing exclusively on the TV for a week. The fact that

I was more aiming for a dumb G.I. Joe joke than accuracy. I played only a couple matches of the demo Splatfest. When you started it up and they said that your progress wouldn't be saved toward the retail version of the game, I no longer cared who won or how well I did. Splatfests are first and foremost a Sea Snail

The original is one of my very favorite Game Boy games, right next to Donkey Kong 94 and Mario's Picross. I never had a GBC so I missed out on 2 and 3.

Oh dip, I forgot new Voltron was out today! Sweet, because I just finished the half-season of Little Witch Academia on Netflix and badly need a new fix. Also: Little Witch Academia rules. It's from the same studio that did Kill La Kill only it's a wholesome show about the beauty of witchcraft with absolutely no fan

Robobot really is the best mainline Kirby game in ages (discounting games where you don't inhale enemies to copy their powers as spin-offs, such as Kirby Mass Attack and Kirby's Epic Yarn, both of which are excellent). I held out on purchasing a lot longer than most Kirby games, but I was instantly sold when Agnello

Hit me up, Nintendo! I'm full of practical game design ideas and zero programming skills to bring them to fruition.

Holy s***, you can jump to teammates WHILE THEY'RE USING INKJET?! That seems like a game-breaker. I wouldn't be surprised if they patched that out.

I've been saying Picross Switch since the day they unveiled the Switch. I need it. People who NEED that touchscreen life can play in in handheld mode, but old-school Picross pros like me who use the d-pad can kick back and make beautiful pixel art on the big screen.

Happy inaugural Splatfest weekend, everyone! I'll definitely be spending most of my gaming time this weekend on Splatoon 2 holding it down for Team Ketchup. I rather like mayonnaise, in moderation, but find ketchup to be far more of a staple in the kitchen. I need it on my burgers and prefer it on my hot dogs and even

Different strats work for different weapons. I tend to do what xmassteps said, making a beeline for the center of the map, inking and swimming in a straight line along the way, and then just holding down the center and inking around me in all directions until either my teammates arrive to hold down the fort or enough