
I don't understand what's happened with Bash- He was originally introduced as the fun brother, who always had something witty to say and did what he wanted. Much like Damon in TVD, pairing him with Mary/Elena has made him into such a bore. I did love the idea of him just wandering around a mile away from the castle

The preview for Reign sounds a little batsh*t that I just read on TV.com. Should be an interesting episode.

I can't believe AV club stopped reviewing this show right before possibly the best 2 episodes of the season and the series. I enjoyed them both greatly. The Monroe/Neville family faceoff was just awesome action. I could watch Neville and Monroe beat the sh*t out of each other and dish out one-liner disses while

I knew right from the start something was up with Priscilla. She was acting so odd and the fact they had to make a scene with Aaron questioning here made me just wait for the "reveal" that she was somehow involved with the Nanotech still. It'd make sense that they are like possessing her or manifesting her to keep

I thought this was the best episode yet. Not surprising since they finally had a cool villain, a superhero cameo, less Skye, and found a way to make Ward kind of okay (seriously, can someone brainwash him every episode?)

This really is the Season of Winston. His stupid lawyer jokes were just killing me. I lost it at "Who cares…The meter is still running." It's crazy because he really is like the utility guy you describe, they just plug him in wherever usually without much of a plot of his own and he brings the biggest laughs.

While I appreciated this episode, I still can't get over Rebekah having to apologize to Klaus in anyway. I think this episode did a better job of making it clear that Rebekah felt bad largely because she didn't blame Klaus for being a psycopath and knows she made it worse, rather than the alternative that she

I really enjoyed the episode. I thought the Aswang was one of the creepiest looking monsters they've ever done, the opening scene was flat-out disturbing which I gotta give a lot of credit to the show for, for creature design and staging of the attack.

I sort of came around to Francis this episode. Dude is just a stonecold dbag. I loved his smirk at Bash during the horrifying "consummation" scene.

I still can't get over how this has become one of the best shows on TV. Really unbelievable. Maybe this is blasphemy, but it sort of reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Awkward first season with a lot of potential, then skyrocket in quality in the 2nd when the "scooby gang" fills out, the show gains more

For it to work, he'd have to sneak into her house, get behind her for the selfie pic, then basically sprint to and open the closet before she turned around without making any noise.

Another very good episode. Winston continues to kill it (hardest laugh of the episode for me was him doing the crab walk into the dumbbell equipment), and Cece/Coach was hilarious.

I really enjoyed this episode. I thought using the Ghostfacers to comment on the Winchester drama was an inspired choice. I particularly loved Dean/Sam in one corner having a dramatic conversation while 20 feet away the Ghostfacers were doing the same. I thought that was a good way to both poke fun at and at the

Like many others on here it seems, I can't get around all this "sympathy for the devil" nonsense with Klaus. Bringing up moral issues just reminds me of how awful Klaus is. So no matter how hard the show tries to make Mikael be so terrible to make Rebekah's "betrayal" worse, it doesn't work on me. There is

I don't know…I mean this episode was automatically the best one in a while because no Skye speaking parts. On the other hand, this episode revolved around everybody else acting like Skye (i.e. making sad eyes at Skye's lifeless body and going WE NEED TO SAVE HER NO MATTER WHAT!!!! for no apparent reason).

Kevin, really, what is up with this "romantic tension" thing you keep trying to push? I keep asking and waiting for an answer, there is absolutely nothing, at any point, ever in the show, that suggests any kind of romantic tension between Dorian and Kennex.

I have very fond memories of this show 2-4. It's tough to find shows like that, where the main character who the show was named after was so freaking unlikable yet the show remained good.

Are they setting up a love square or something? Because I remember from a few episodes back when Bash was dying from the sword wound him and Lola really seemed to hit it off. Also, why is Lola the only one of Mary's handmaidens who gets to enjoy some of the triangle? I'd like it a lot more if it just turned into a

Should have read before I posted lol. I said the exact same thing. I can't believe Stefan could be so blind.

My biggest gripe with this episode is Katherine basically giving up on trying to be Elena. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was great from her character's perspective because it makes sense that Katherine would tire of playing Elena and just go for what she wants with Stefan.