I've gotten the same feeling as well. Not sure if it's intentional, I mean they did include the scene with Cas extracting all the grace out of Sam right? So I'm not sure.
I've gotten the same feeling as well. Not sure if it's intentional, I mean they did include the scene with Cas extracting all the grace out of Sam right? So I'm not sure.
Oh yes, and I even forgot to add Nick pontificating on the differences between Nick with a K and just with a C.
I can not believe this episode didn't get an A. Funniest New Girl in a long time imo. How can you not mention Nick holding up the president for hot dogs? Or his HILARIOUS delivery of "You're a trash person. You should live in the dumpster with snails!!!". Or Schmidt getting the "special" going "Don't look at me. …
This episode sort of had me wondering…Why kill off Kevin in the first place? It was a nice tragic moment I get that, but bringing him back as a ghost just cheapened it. Wny not have this same ending without killing Kevin?
Man, I think a B - is very generous for this boring, muddled, contrived mess of an episode. Probably the worst of the show in my opinion. The show had been on a nice little roll even with the wacky episode order hurting it, but this was just terribly boring and a mess to me.
I thought this was a return to average. B to B- is about right for me as well after the last few episodes.
It seemed like there was no follow-up on that. They made a point of having Maldonado "force" Staahl to deal with "those people" and showed her reluctance. I assumed they would follow up on it to give more insight into both Staahl and the chromes in general. But there was nothing.
I gotta disagree with the review…The switching of episode order is killing this show just like it has killed many other shows on Fox before it. I can't even keep up with the relationships because of the mess Fox is making with the serialized plot.
Awesome episode. Best of the season. My thoughts:
Great episode imo, much more deserving of an A -. You are right Carrie, in many ways this seems like a reset to Season 1 and 2, i.e. the good old days. This show is so much better off with crazy evil Damon. Now you've given Damon an awesome evil buddy in Enzo too (who has a great bro rivalry with Stefan), and…
I seriously can't get over how much of a rise in quality this show has seen basically episode to episode. I can say without shame this is legitimately my favorite show on TV and one of the best as well imo right now.
Very sad news. Psych is clearly past its prime but for me is still one of the more enjoyable shows on TV. I've watched from Day 1 and catch repeats a lot as well and just adore this show. I feel like it could go on forever just based on all the comedic talent involved and the dedication to the jokes but I…
Best part of this episode for me was Sophie's death and her incredibly creepy sister. I agree great job by that actress. For me, I always thought Sophie was the weak link so I was glad to see her go.
I thought this was an improvement, but the fact that I was actually rooting for Skye to die is not good. It was a feel good fistpump moment when Quinn shot her. Quinn is enjoyable and delightful and actually seems somewhat competent. Skye is mostly boring and just makes sad faces at everyone and has no business…
It was a very mediocre episode but I think it's an overly harsh review as well.
Such a great episode. I loved the cameo from Sandler, that was a great way to use him.
Awesome episode. For many reasons. First, Evil Damon is back which instantly makes the show so much better. And now he has an evil buddy in Enzo, who I'm glad to see back because he's awesome.
yes. It's absolutely adorable. I'm hoping Katherine decides she's better off with Matt than with Stefan.
I laughed twice at the stupidity of some of the characters. The guard going into the cell with Bronze Tiger and just turning his back on him after finding the dead cellmate was hilarious. As was Walter and co. deciding that they needed a mass murderer to run against Blood.
I'm a big Garth fan so didn't really like the decision to turn him into a werewolf. I think he works best as that comic relief but actually shockingly competent hunter that Dean has a soft spot for. It seems like over the past few seasons SN has really made an effort to expand Dean and Sam's collection of creatures…