
I thought Papa Tunde was a great one-off villain, and so far I'm digging this magical storyline where Celeste and co. actually seem like legitimate threats to the Originals. I loved how they built Tunde up to be both moral and ethical but also a total badass who could be a legitimate threat to Klaus. Then in classic

Very depressing but in an awesome sort of way. Never before have I seen a crowd just completely turn on a PPV like that, especially the Royal Rumble out of all PPVs. It was glorious in its own screwed up way.

I disagree with the review. I expected Monroe's parents to react like that. We've been shown quite a lot that the Blutbad are a pretty violent and traditional group of Wesen. Monroe is the way he is because he's trying to be the exact opposite of that (what he used to be). Between Monroe not being able to tell his

Oh, and Favorite Moment for me has to be Katherine as Elena cutting off John's fingers. That was the moment for me when TVD went from guilty pleasure to must-watch.

I got legitimately emotional at points in this episode, which speaks to how well done it was. Katherine realizing she died and was about to walk through the doorway to the other side and then just saying "F it, I got crap to do" was one of my favorite moments of the season (and possibly the series). Such a great

I didn't think this was a great episode by any stretch, but I'll be damned if I didn't fanboy out when Slade in full deathstroke gear just instantly killed all Blood's henchmen with his sword and then made the perfect threat. Baller status.

I enjoyed the flashbacks with the Nevilles, I agree that it was the best use of them to actually illuminate the characters and why they are the way they are.

is Psych back to regular coverage? Now I'm angry you missed last week's episode which I thought was great. It should be on regular coverage.

Fantastic episode.

I loved this episode, but one thing was really bothering me…How do you have this whole huge episode about sacrificing Davina without Josh being in it? I realize guest stars can't be in every episode, but they've spent a lot of time establishing an adorable friendship between Josh and Davina, you'd think he'd be all

While I felt bad for Tara, I was cracking up at the exchange at the end. So perfect. What a great pairing they are.

I thought that was an A or A+ episode even. One of the most enjoyable episodes in a long time for me. I too was critical of the Winchesters splitting up yet again, but the show made me eat crow on that as it allowed for awesome pairings between Dean/Crowley and Sam/Castiel, which are much fresher and more

Great episode. The chemistry between Neal and Rebecca was great. I found myself wishing that Rebecca wasn't made so clearly evil by killing Siegel, that would have made for more interesting scenes to question whether Neal would decide to stay with Rebecca and go on the run.

I really liked a lot of this episode, but I have to agree that it was really annoying how stupid Nick and Hank had to act to not figure out it was a wesen right away. Not only does every single one of their cases involve one, but this in particular was so obvious right away.

I didn't have a problem with Monroe's decision to stay back that led to his torture- It made sense within the context of him wanting to help his son and realizing how dangerous Nunez was. He was probably 100% correct that Connor would have gotten punished anyway if Monroe escaped.

That cranky old man Nick Miller rant was just classic. That reminded me of him with the old guy in the park ("I like how you just wear a plain hat with no logo on it" and "Scales or feathers? Scales? You're such a weirdo"). I'm not sure I've laughed so hard at TV in a long time as when Nick got going again during

I liked this episode, and thought the whole "girl power" thing was in line with Rebekah's character generally (like back in the early days on TVD when she temporarily became best friends with Elena before Elena daggered her in the back).

I thought this was the best episode of SN in a while, and yes I agree about the frustrating rage-inducing ending, but still couldn't care enough to let it blunt my enjoyment of this episode.

The reveal was pretty obvious but wasn't disappointed by it. Better for Rebecca to be an evil mastermind rather than the clueless naive mark she was basically playing. I would have been much more disappointed if she was just introduced to be kidnapped by Hagen as it seemed earlier in the episode.

Glad to hear Vandervoort is getting another chance, I thought she along with Erica Durance and Allson Mack were basically the only 3 bright spots in Smallville's later seasons when the show became basically a parody (not that it was ever really good to begin with anyway).