Thought it was a pretty good episode, but one thing was really bothering me:
Thought it was a pretty good episode, but one thing was really bothering me:
I don't care about the president…still holding out hope that we meet Governor Affleck lol.
Really disappointing episode. The "darknet" commentary was just ham-fisted and ridiculous. Unbelievable to me how poorly the female characters have been written on this show. I was 100% expecting Valerie to be kidnapped by the villain yet again so Kennex can save the damsel in distress. Her and Maldonado have been…
I thought it was a pretty messy episode like you said, but I was prepared to go B+/A- for the awesome Ghostbusters scene with Nick, Hank, and Wu. That whole scene was just perfect with them walking through the station.
Now THIS is more like it. Very entertaining episode. Micheal Ealy has been absolutely fantastic so far, and tonight was some of his best work yet with the 2 Dorians. As you said, there were enough subtle differences to differentiate between their personalities, but not enough to overcome the fact that they have the…
Wow, I'm shocked at these grades and the negative reviews. I thought both were fantastic episodes that show how confident and strong Grimm has grown with its mythology.
No joke, but I'd pay a good amount of money to go see Dule Hill in a new Broadway hit called "Jamaican Inspector Man". He had me dying with everything related to that.
I really don't get how TVD screwed all this up so badly…Theoretically, an evil mad scientist who dissects vampires for "SCIENCE!!!" is quite an entertaining character. But Wes just sucks…He's too boring and calculating and logical, when he should be batsh*t crazy.
The Kanye/Kim stuff had me dying of laughter. Like you, I lost it during the middle of the song when kanye had to call yet again to make sure she wasn't a hobbit. I loved the reference to the Hobbit pipe that Kim was smoking.
A- is a perfect grade imo. I would have given it an A but didn't really appreciate the extended Flash plug to end the show. Mainly because I was so busy fanboying out over the real appearance of Slade Wilson, who is just all kinds of awesome.
I hope I'm not offending anyone who likes this show (if those people still exist), but this show is terrible. And even worse, it's completely boring. And it gets worse week to week to. Every new episode is the worst one yet.
Great review Carrie. It seems shocking to say, but I can say this comfortably and unironically now- Arrow is one of the best shows on TV period, and arguably the most fun.
I really don't know what you're talking about with sexual tension between Dorian and Kennex…It's standard witty banter/ cop bromance stuff. Just because Dorian's large penis was used to get a laugh it doesn't mean there is any sexual tension or "sexual chemistry".
I think it's obvious Jeremy still has a role to play. I'm guessing Moloch has him or something. We'll be seeing him again, it's almost too obvious with them making a point of saying "we stopped his heart" rather than saying "we killed him", and between this episode's theme of fathers protecting or not protecting…
I thought that was a FANTASTIC episode. A- for me, up to an A for Alexis Freaking Denisof being the new villain. Just awesome.
I'm willing to forgive a lot about this episode as long as Michael malarkey/Enzo sticks around. I thought that was a pretty good twist and he's fantastic. I'm thinking he is this much ballyhooed Augustine Vampire and part of the experiments are also psychological. Seems like Enzo might be a trick to see how Vamps…
eh, I thought the post-it note on Kevin's body was a brutal capper to the scene. Not sure how much sense it made, but they could explain it away as something Gadreel does.
In terms of everything with Sam/Gadreel, it is all Dean's fault. I mean, don't get me wrong, he wanted to save his brother, but for the 1000th time, he made a deal with the devil/angel.
I was pretty destroyed by kevin's death. Didn't think it would hit me that hard, but I loved the little guy, just showing up randomly to eat, make sarcastic remarks, and translate texts.
I actually really enjoyed this episode. Klaus/Marcel were just great together, and loved Elijah threatening the vamps (reminded me of when he was so threatening in his debut on TVD).