I thought she was terrible as a showrunner. Eve and the Campbells were just two drastic misfires in what was (imo), by far the worst season the show ever made.
I thought she was terrible as a showrunner. Eve and the Campbells were just two drastic misfires in what was (imo), by far the worst season the show ever made.
I really hate the Zeke stuff, but what happened in this episode is a much better direction than the 1 billionth iteration of "the brothers are lying to each other for no freaking reason just to produce angst and drama".
For me, I really didn't like this episode. For a few glaring reasons:
This episode had a freaking tree-creature/ent attacking LENA GILBERT (the relative of a FOUNDING FATHER) in a haunted house. I'd say that's A-territory for me.
Anyone here watch the Mentalist? That was the most disappointing conclusion to a storyline I think I've ever watched. The episode was more boring to me than any other episode.
I thought it was a pretty good episode. I agree about the WTF aspect of Damon's memories suddenly being a plot point. Whatever, hopefully this Augustine story will be awesome and enjoyable, and bringing Damon in on a story is never a bad idea.
I honestly think you could just pick it up from Season 2 if you wanted to. The 1st episode of Season 2 basically just erases all of the mess that was Season 1, and besides for maybe certain character relationships and the events of the Season 1 finale, there really isn't too much of a connection to Season 1 material.
I noticed this watching for the first time last night: After Aaron setting people on fire with his mind happened, I legitimately have no idea what will happen next on this show, and it's very refreshing. Rarely can a show manage to be this unpredictable.
I really enjoyed this episode. Sort of had an early season monster of the week feel to it. Overall, I can't believe how fresh this show can manage to feel after all these seasons.
This show is so ridiculously entertaining it's not fair. While I'm sure Noble will be back as the Sin Eater, I'm kind of regretting them not just letting him play Walter Bishop again. Adding him to this show would just be too perfect.
I'm pretty sure there was a male sexbot at the club. They showed a guy in the background. Anyway, I was solidly entertained yet again, and cracked up at the "testicles" conversation and pretty much anything to do with the dating profile/Detective Staahl and Kennix.
I liked it honestly. I think there's a lot of potential in the John/Dorian (which is kind of confusing to a former Scrubs fan honestly) pairing and like both actors. I loved the scene with the initial synthetic that ended with John just throwing him out of the car. I thought that was just a perfect scene, perfectly…
It was a solid episode, but it did seem really repetitive of the episode you mentioned "Bad Moon Rising." I also thought the opening scene was hilariously bad, like maybe it was so bad it crossed the line into being good? I honestly thought it was spoofing something but really can't come up with anything. That had…
As much fun as Paul Wesley/Silas was, and even to a lesser extent Tessa, I'm glad they died and these plots can end. It was getting too convoluted from week to week who was on who's side and why.
The actress who plays/played Allenford deserves a lot of credit. I actually felt sad when she got shot and is presumably dead. She did a very good job with what she was given.
What a find Misha Collins was for Supernatural. He's really fantastic in whatever they have him doing, and tonight was no exception. I LOVED that whole scene in the car/Dean prepping Cas for the "date" and then the awkward teenager waveoff by Cas too. Just absolutely perfect.
I thought this was a good episode for 2 reasons:
(1) Bob Newhart
(2) Leonard being likable for the 1st time in forever when he stuck up for Sheldon.
It's interesting…This show has become so good that I have trouble reconciling Laurel's terrible characterization with the rich ones that take place all around her. Maybe the show is purposely bringing her to an incredibly low point to rebuild her entirely as Canary?
It's not even close. They could make Laurel considerably worse and she'd still have nothing on Lana Lang being victimized, stalked, or kidnapped in every single episde with no agency of her own.
I love these kinds of throwaway ridiculous episodes so I agree with everything Eric. Can I also just say how great it is to have a reviewer that actually enjoys watching this show for once? Last season was really bad on that count.