
Not a fan of the Elijah/Hayley romance. You can tell they're gonna use it to manufacture drama and maybe even try for that TVD love triangle thing. That's gonna be bothersome.

yeah, the college story seems to have turned into a cheap knockoff of the bad initiative arc on Buffy. I rolled my eyes when Elena "bonded" with Aaron. That was just poorly done and cheap.

the lowest bar imaginable. I think even Laurel is a better character than Lana was.

I thought everything in this episode was good besides for Laurel, who is just a terrible character honestly. Poorly written and poorly acted. At this point I'm very much hoping her sister replaces her in the end game and ends up being Black Canary, although obviously it won't happen. I'm guessing Laurel watches

Amnesia Stefan and Gypsy Traveller Matt are just killing it right now. It's pretty much making it so whatever happens on the show, I'll enjoy it because those two are just so awesome. I too am glad Matt has finally been given something to do.

Best flashbacks were unquestionably Rippah Stefan meeting Klaus and Rebekah the first time in Chicago. One of my favorite episodes of the series and one of the best as well.