
So much of this was incredibly stupid but at the same time so much of this was incredible. I think as far as enjoying this week's episode goes it comes down to whether you want to scrutinize the incredibly stupid things or enjoy the incredible ones. For me I'm choosing the latter and think this episode was FANTASTIC

I didn't love this episode- a ton of really cool moments and I loved the ending, but I thought this was the most evident episode of the toll the rush to end this series is taking on the writing. A lot of teleporting, a lot of narrative seams showing through, important scenes barely getting a nod (like Jaime/Tyrion

No there is only one Gendry ship allowed and that is Arya lol.

yeah my hope is it's a momentary dramatic license but that it will end how it should- with Stark's realizing LF's shit and turning the tables on him.

I think that's a smart observation. Definitely get a bit of a vibe that it's the "good" undead against the "bad" undead lol.

They showed her leaving. She's heading to Volantis and said she will return to die in Westeros.

A-? This was one of the top 5 GOT episodes of all time IMO. A+++ for me. Even forgetting about the epic final battle, everything that came before was so perfect. Arya/Sansa reunion, Arya/Brienne fight, Arya staring down Littlefinger (oh that dude is really really dead), Bran's "Chaos is a ladder" oh shit mic drop,

People have already discussed, but dragons are a known entity in Westeros. White Walkers are not.

It's been that way with his character for a while, going back to the rape scene in the Sept. I understand why the show cut out much of his journey through the Riverlands, but the Stoneheart stuff I will never understand why it was cut. Brienne now has nothing to do so far this season and it's weakened Jaime's arc to

Great review. I couldn't agree more about how fast everything is moving…you can just see the writers moving things along at hyper-speed to get to the end-game. Which after years of waiting and waiting and waiting on GRRM to write the damn books, I can sort of appreciate.

I feel like they never knew what to do with Yara, starting with changing her name lol. But I think casting was wrong from the start and plotting was even worse (remember the attack on Ramsay with the dogs ugh?).

Man…that was completely insane. I guess the only explanation is the writers thought they were getting A LOT more time and had to throw everything out at the last second…that's how the 21 year time-jump read to me as well as the ridiculous "greatest hits" video and Francis/Mary after-life. It's clear they had plans

What a wonderful ending to a great season! Really enjoyed this. I think sometimes as a Lucifer fan I can forget how good the show can do drama when it wants to as its comedy is just such a strength for the show. But man…did this episode just hit every emotional beat and character arc just perfectly. I thought the

This was really a mess in many respects, but I appreciated the lighter tone and the end with Barry going into the Speedforce. But yeah…there were a lot of plot holes that took me out of things. Did Savitar have to kill Iris at that EXACT moment in order to not be a paradox? Like couldn't he just kill her slightly

True. Very true haha.

What a fantastic episode! Right about the time Dan asked Amenadiel what he was doing and it was clear they were gonna bro out, I was thinking of what a great episode this was.

Yeah, I was kind of disappointed in this, just based on the lead-up and really this entire season being so great maybe my expectations were too high. It was still a really good episode, but I was expecting more from the finale. It did seem overstuffed and sort of abrupt, I was very surprised how easily and quickly

So I've been bothered with a lot of the "logic" displayed by the CWDC shows lately (Supergirl I'm looking at you), and one thing that really bothered me tonight, if I remember correctly, is that Iris didn't change clothes. Yes, I know it's stupid, but everyone's seen what's going to happen and when it's going to

LaToya, personally I would have enjoyed this episode so much more if God Johnson really was just a mental patient without the belt buckle, etc. I would have found it hilarious if Lucifer just committed entirely to him being his Dad despite him saying everything really generally and having no specifics on anything, so

I thought a lot of this episode was really good, but I remain really confused about Mon-el and the Daxamites, Lynda Carter being a good guy, and now Lena/Mon-el/Kara.