
The BBC ratings don’t mean anything anymore now that it airs worldwide on Disney+. Before Disney+, it aired on a hodgepodge of different networks at different times across the world. There’s no way Disney cancels it after the money they put into it. 

It’s been around for 60 years. Even if you take out the 15 year break, there are 41 seasons. It is still probably the BBC’s signature show around the world.

People have been declaring DW dead since Tennant left based on ‘ratings’. Those don’t have the same meaning any more because the viewing landscape has changed. And it appears on iPlayer at the same time it shows up on Disney+. It’s not like BBC viewers are being cheated somehow.

I honestly don’t see that much of an issue with it being on the bottom. You rarely need to charge it ,and just plugging it in after you’re done working like once a month should be plenty to keep it going. It’s one of the least bad issues of a very bad product. 

Don’t engage this guy. He’s more articulate than the wads shouting “WOKE!” downstream but his whole schtick is to accuse you of being stupid or dishonest if you disagree with him. His one rhetorical flourish is to argue over the meaning of specific words and use that as the basis for his entire argument.

return of the jedi makes no sense otherwise. why wouldnt luke just assassinate the emperor? why would the emperor tempt luke by taunting and goading him instead of with something tangible like money or a specific position of power in the empire? why does luke lash out when vader threatens to turn leia to the dark side

Joseph Campbell was a bigoted fraud and the quicker pop culture abandons the monomyth the better.

this is the text of the films

You are confusing “having a moral” with “morality.” The Force is amoral. That’s why the Dark Side can use it. That’s why it HAS a Dark Side. The *story* that Lucas was telling *has* a moral. But that doesn’t make the Force an allegory for morality. The Force isn’t an allegory at all. The Force is symbolic for *power*.

I think we will probably be revisiting parts of this flashback with added context as to why the fire was so crazy, why everyone was dead etc. It was clearly not meant to present the full context of that night.

Just because cell phones existed, doesn’t make the iPhone Apple’s take on them, it was indeed a new invention – there were not phones like that before. The iPhone was actually a result of the iPad’s development, which had relevant patents for it filed in 2004 (6 years before its release). And the iPad was the

Fuck Joseph Campbell. The more we move away from his monomyth bullshit, the better.

The Force isn’t an allegory for morality, just like religion or spirituality isn’t a marker for morality.

Hey James, now that Gizmodo’s not owned by the herb anymore, how about finally booting the obvious trolls?

The shows don’t need to be most violent or more sexual to be serious adult shows.

I’ve gotten wise to scammers on grindr. A few useful tips to avoid this:

I don’t think extortion and blackmailing should be considered a ‘normal consequence’ of exchanging nudes on a dating app. Being safe with your privacy is great, but victim blaming is not cool.

If I was up for the role of a lifetime which would guarantee a whole different career trajectory and millions of dollars and I lost the opportunity because of my sexual orientation in an unfair, f’ed up society, regardless of what happened to the production, I’d sure as hell remember it and talk about it once in a

I suspect that the year between Bomer’s coming out and playing an animated Superman was less of a factor than the nearly ten years between losing live-action Superman and coming out. Hollywood evolves slowly but it does evolve, and 2003 and 2012 are different worlds (and 2024,where you so confidently scoff at the

Routh is gay.