
On a more serious note, the intentional destruction of the Giz “family”, having been accomplished by a Private Equity firm, is something that accomplished a silencing of a force in digital media.

I’m so sorry that my personal enjoyment of something has bothered you.

How has the agenda not been glaringly obvious from the beginning?!? It reminds me of the people who have only recently found out that Rage Against the Machine is a political band.

Trolling is the most predictable of all human activities.

I’ve watched the first two episodes twice. It feels the most like a Lucas Star Wars movie, of any of their shows, to me*.

*Final arc of The Clone Wars excepted but TCW started before the Disney acquisition
*Andor feels more akin to THX-1138 to me

At a bare minimum, Alex Jones deserves a high five. To the face. With a hammer.

Apple already manages passwords via its iCloud Keychain, except it’s not the most seamless feature on iOS.

Weird - all I see in this new update and since their last price hike is a sign up screen!

My experience with most streaming service interfaces leads me to believe that the people creating and approving the interfaces HATE watching streaming services and really want the consumer to HATE it as well.

This a supposed shining age for the Jedi, they should have have any issue with recruitment”

I’m not sure I agree with your conclusion - keep in mind that the Jedi do not “recruit”, especially in this era, they “find” and “take” children who are Force-sensitive. They train all of these children. Some, like Osha, leave the Order, but most don’t. Even a mediocre Jedi like Yord will eventually reach the rank of

Yord is not that; he is brash, quick to judgment, untrusting, suspicious.

Yord is not that; he is brash, quick to judgment, untrusting, suspicious.

Do you like Quentin Tarantino? Or Martin Scorsese? Or Steven Soderbergh? Or Paul Thomas Anderson? Because Weinstein produced or distributed some of their movies. He also worked with pretty much every other major director or actor in the ‘90s and the ‘00s. If you applied your logic broadly you’d have to blacklist more

She was his assistant for the sum total of one year back in the aughts (she worked at Miramax for 6 right out of college).

It’s hilarious how many commenters are convinced of the “poor storytelling” of a series they can’t possibly have seen yet.

You (and I mean Disney and all other corporations) will never appease fascists, trolls, theocrats, racists, and misogynists.

Considering the great reviews it’s been getting and the fact that the previous show Headland created was the amazing Russian Doll, I’m going to say no, I don’t think that’s what’s happening.

Alternatively, this is Disney reacting to the sustained racist/sexist/etc. diatribes that have already been levelled against the show prior to its release, apparently merely for existing.

Did you actually watch Jenny’s piece or know show she is at all? She’s a HUGE Star Wars/Disney fan and wanted it to be good. It simply wasn’t.