
No lore has been broken. The Stranger is very careful and circumspect with his language, and he told Sol that ‘a Jedi like you would probably call me...Sith’. He doesn’t actually say that he is or isn’t one. This, combined with the appearance of Kylo Ren’s theme toward the end of the episode leads me to believe that

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So you want them to narrate every single plot point? Why do they need to shout something that’s obvious? Even if they don’t know that it’s cortosis, it’s clearly a material that shorts out their lightsabers. They kept fighting, trying to avoid it after that. It’s not like they had time to even really talk, because

So you want your hand held and everything happening on screen explained to you? Why would the Jedi’s need to shout that out?

I have never heard of cortosis before, but it was obvious to me what was happening. When the first lightsaber “shorted”, I just thought, “oh shit, this dude has something that can stop

Unfortunately, you’ll have to buy a new TV, as many new shows are doing the HDR thing. It looks AMAZING on my OLED in Dolby Vision, but I guess that people watching on older sets aren’t seeing all the shadow detail.

have you seen Episode 5? It’s, no lie, some of the best Star Wars action ever put to screen.

Those two deaths were a little surprising. The show went full Red Wedding on this episode.

After three seasons on His Dark Materials (which I thought she was great in), I can’t blame Dafne Keen for maybe not wanting to immediately get back into another FX-heavy franchise series. Coming in for half the season and going out in a lightsaber battle is about the ideal outcome here.

It’s a different ‘60s, a different universe in the multi-verse, not 616 (or 199999 or ‘the sacred timeline’ or whatever we’ve been watching). That’s what they’re talking about with the different retro-future skyline and everything.

I’m actually willing to give the TV aesthetic a pass. Ultimately it’s a TV show that I’m paying pennies for if I’m using other content on Disney+. At some point you have to figure out a way to make 8 hours ( or 10 or whatever) for something cheaper than a standard Sci-fi Effects laden movie.

Good question! You seem to hate the show.

Or how they felt about having to be quiet about what was about to happen.

I was sure 95% Yord would die, 50% that Jecki would, and 25% that even Sol might.

This was pretty badass episode. It reminded me of the 4 year question: why D+ is so intent on NOT having any cool lightsaber battles in their shows. Why was it so hard to make a gritty LS battle??

It makes zero sense that they would make Firecracker a member of The Seven

Look, everybody! This guy hates Doctor Who but still watches it!

Davies has undoubtedly seen Pyramids of Mars several times. He is a huge fan of the classic series.

i mean, i had the benefit of having read the comic book the show is based on - and it’s WAY more subversive than even the show is (that second arc alone...) but it just boggles my mind that there are people who think homelander is the good guy...

The show “covers” that in an implict way. Just before cutting (heh) from the scene where Daemon gives them the order, one of the thugs asks of him something along the lines of “what happens if we can’t find him (Aemond)?”

That’s not an accurate representation of the book. This just reads like someone mad Team Green was made to look like villains, idiots, and assholes in this episode and not someone upset on how it differs from the book. The book definitely didn’t make it seem like Daemon was intentioned here, it was very much left in

Who let your useless ass out of the greys, troll? Abort yourself.