
Season 4 was frustrating because all the characters (except Dani) stopped acting like real people but, like every season, they someone were able to bring it all together for the finale. Very emotionally effective, though now I fucking hate Ed.

The Unearthly sounds like a mash-up (or rip-off) of Deadstream and Ghostwatch

Except, outside of a loud minority of dweebs online, nobody thinks she was a bad fit for running LucasFilm.

I absolutely admire your bravery in headline choice. The worst people imaginable are gonna flood this post because they don’t understand why they don’t like something now the same way they did as a child and therefore blame a random woman for it all.

I don’t understand why you would turn it off. If you don’t want a pokemon to gain experience then just... don’t have it on your team?

I’m not demanding one, but I’ll play one if its good.

He was also in a couple early episodes of Modern Family!

Lol, if Rey is a Mary Sue then so is Luke Skywalker. That complaint is such bullshit.

Also he decides to deconstruct and subvert expectations and then cries when people don’t like it.”

With the multiverse isn’t all of it canon anyways, so what’s the point?

The book isn’t a warning about creating IP drenched VR, its about letting that obsession take over your life. The book wants you to enjoy the OASIS and the real world.

If her daughter is supposed to be 13 why did they cast an older actor? You’re making up something to be angry about. That must be so exhausting.

How is 0.002% of the audience a “significant number” that demands response? That’s essentially zero. Zero percent of the audience wrote a formal complaint about a trans character.

You get twice the rewards points (stars) vs a credit/debit card. 

“The Force is Female” was a Nike campaign, not a LucasFilm directive. Maybe you wouldn’t be so pissy if you actually knew what you were mad about?

Good thing she wasn’t talking about Star Wars at all and the quote is taken extremely out of context.

How have you still not edited the article to include context? Her quote is from 2015, and is about a documentary she made about mistreatment of women. She isn’t talking about Star Wars at all.

I think I’m one of 5 people who actually really likes The Eternals. One of my favorite post-Endgame Marvel projects so far.

WB has owned Tom & Jerry since the 80s...

Now playing

Bullets & Blockbusters did a much more detailed video on this last month.