
For once I’d like people to do something creative with these characters instead of “lol kid’s cartoon does murder now! so dark! so twisted!” At least put in a little bit of effort.

I know this is an old article, and I don’t know if this is helpful, but someone in or around Missoula, MT had one of the Pikachu cars. I saw it all the time when I was in college there a few years ago.

They had to release DLC over a year later that finally made the game more fun...”

The New York Times suit will help determine whether OpenAI and Microsoft’s role in the AI revolution”

I’ve always believed Watchmen was ahead of its time,” he said. “The idea of a superhero team, which it so brilliantly subverts, wasn’t yet a thing in movies. It would have been fascinating to see it released post-Avengers.”

What is “traditonal media?”

Disney didn’t give a specific note for the scene other than “can the Doctor be introduced earlier” though. RTD chose what that scene would be and it was fine. It was nice to get more Ncuti and it was a good intro for who his Doctor is.

The Last Voyage of the Demeter Minus One

Echo has powers. She can mimic people’s fighting styles or something.


What? Tons of stuff is still based on historical moments.

Ok, except that’s not at all how deaths happen on the show. They aren’t for shock value or just to make the show more “adult” - kind of a spoiler, but the majority of main characters who have died get very heroic deaths, they’re in a situation where they can save people and they do. The deaths specifically mentioned

Because Martin Scorsese’s films have never been political, especially Killers of the Flower Moon. Incredibly apolitical film.

If you purchase physical media the artists who make the art you enjoy also get paid. That does not happen with pirating.

This seems like it would violate anti-trust laws, and also I hope David Zaslav falls into a deep well before this ever becomes a reality. He’s a piece of shit and horrible for the entertainment industry. Absolute garbage bag of a human.

I love Altered Innocence! I hope they’ll be able to put it on blu-ray through Vinegar Syndrome. I’m excited to (hopefully) see this, I love weird zero-budget outsider art films.

Ditching the show centered on a deaf Native American woman probably wouldn’t have been the best “look,” you know?

the storyline had strong ties to the ever-popular multiverse stories”

Ok... but none of that is what Marvel wanted to do. Seems like they got to do what they wanted to do because Disney came along.

What did Marvel want to do with the MCU before Disney bought them? The MCU was only a year old when Disney came along.