
You should check out “Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play” by Anne Washburn. Fantastic play that is exactly the type of story you’re describing.

So its definitely a remake of the original Planet of the Apes then?

Even if you have the best internet the video and audio quality is going to be better on physical media.

Ok.... except the new legendaries and mythicals are still story based encounters like you described with Mewtwo. Which is the point. The rest are just a bonus, they can’t give every legendary a new, fleshed-out story event, that would be stupid.

TLJ set Kylo up perfectly to be fulling committed to the Dark Side, not sure why he said Rian took it a different direction.

Across the Spider-Verse was definitely the most impactful movie of the year 😉

This article makes sense - what was up with the one from the other day that refused to tell us (or show us) where the tomato was found? Why did y’all publish the first one at all?

Why does it matter if the Director’s cut? I don’t need to know that.

Why does he need a separate director’s cut? Its not like he has WB pressuring him to make it shorter to squeeze more screenings in a day. Its Netflix! Movies can be 10 hours long if they want.

Your comment, with impactful in quotes, reads as if you don’t think the movie is impactful, but is shit. You not liking the word “impactful” in general is not easily deduced from your comment. How was anyone supposed to know that you have some sort of vendetta against a perfectly appropriate word for the context of

Teeters on the edge of cancel culture? You might not like his films, but by all accounts he’s a good guy. He famously called out several alt-right YouTubers for their bigotry while on a livestream with them (he didn’t know they would be participating).

Your original comment comes across as if you think the movie is shit, so maybe you shouldn’t be the arbiter of what is or isn’t shit language.

That’s not what your original comment says.

I love White Claw, but why would I get this when I already have plenty of good 0 calorie, 0 sugar flavored seltzers to chose from?

Wait, y’all can’t stifle a sneeze without pinching your nose? I stifle my sneezes all the time (I call it an inside sneeze) but I don’t have to pinch my nose.

Season Two felt like a weird stopgap before we could get to the *actual* season two - like they were contractually obligated to make a season, but wouldn’t have the budget to do what they want until season three, so they made a small bridge between Good Omens and an actual sequel story.

Weird that *this* is the movie that you decided to do some hand-wringing over possibly spotty CGI.

Into the Spider-Verse is complete shit? What version of the movie did you watch?

Bigeneration isn’t an example of Chekhov’s Gun, if anything its Deus Ex Machina.

That’s a shame, I really liked Pedro Pascal in WW84. In fact, I might be the only person who actually like WW84 at all. Great movie.