
Godzilla Minus One is possibly the best Godzilla movie ever made.

So this is just voice to text recognition? The same stuff we’ve had for years?

These all look like shit. Very flat and lifeless. You can’t convince me that any of these are “good”

Love an article that introduces a mystery but then *never fucking resolves it.*

Why do all of the animated “restorations” look so incredibly cheap? I get wanting to have all the episodes visually, but surely there was a way to make them not look so... shitty.

Is it really that “newsworthy” now? Historical, sure, but not newsworthy.

Apple not diving ass first into this “AI” bs is a good thing for them, it makes me respect them a bit more. I hate all this current “AI” technology - chatbots, “art” generators, etc. - they are all simultaneously shitty and disturbing.

Or they could follow the comics and have her play one of her handmaids.

Now playing

I love Spirited so much, I’m glad to see it on this list.

Apple was offering ad-free Paramount+ and Showtime for $10/month back when those were separate services. I’ve stayed subscribed ever since and the price has never changed for me.

The slimmer PS5 looks cheaper, it lacks the elegant curves and design of the release console.

Pretty wild how we just got one of the greatest Godzilla movies ever made (G-1) and now we’re gonna get one of the worst.

Lucas is one of the best queer coming-of-age films, so yes I will be seeing it in theatres and sobbing again.

While some people have expressed regrets” So... like a dozen tweets?

Its a shame that Disney is dumping this movie, but it was really good! The best Marvel movie since No Way Home.

The goes out of its way to just recap the first Captain Marvel movie, but to explain who Kamala and Monica are. Did you even watch the movie?

we don’t care about Ms Marvel (I like the actress! I liked half of the series! But I know the world at large doesn’t care)“

Reading must be hard, did you miss the part that says she wasn’t invited?

GotGv3 was also bad though. Not as bad as Quantumania, but still bad.

Really seems like they’re trying to find a specific person to blame instead of just accepting that audiences are exhausted with Marvel right now.