
Her helmet is nothing like a Death Watch helmet.

Even before it hit Netflix earlier this week...”

You get paid when you’re a contestant on a game/reality show, regardless of celebrity status.

Any info on how folks in the US can watch the colorized eps?

The article literally ends with that information.

Robin Hood is the hottest Disney prince, this is not up for debate.

What a bad take on the best Disney+ show so far.

*Ghostbusters 5, or Ghostbusters 3 depending on how you’re counting because Ghostbusters: Afterlife decided to remove Ghostbusters 2 from canon.

I unironically love the Holiday Special. Its campy, terrible, very 70s, but is so bad its good. I watch it every year (the whole thing is on YouTube).

You seem like you’d be a lot of fun to take to a comedy show.

Nokia didn’t make the Sidekick and, correct me if I’m wrong, Indiegogo and Kickstarter are two different things.

I need a The Comeback Season 3, dammit!

Aw man, what a bittersweet final post from Jezebel...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife was one of the worst legacy sequels I have ever seen. All member berries, no substance. I’m assuming this will end up being more of the same.

I don’t know sports so I’m confused - the player was in a relationship with his boss? I don’t understand what is happening.

Anyone else think NGC 6397 kinda looks like the Star Wars galaxy?

Hey, 7 Days in Hell was really good!

You understand that the South Park special was satire, right? It was making fun of people who think “put a chick in it, make her gay” is a real thing, the dweebs who bitch about Kathleen Kennedy all the time, they were the butt of the joke.

You know that Morbius wasn’t made by Disney or Marvel Studios, right?

“It’s a small delay in the grand scheme of things, but important if only because it underlines how hard the still ongoing actors strike is hitting productions with dates that far out...Dragon’s delay is a small one in the grand scheme of things, but important if only because it underlines how hard the still ongoing