
Sorry, are you pointing out that Apple combined their popular features... like its a bad thing?

From Merriam-Webster: “ Top Brass: the people in the highest positions in an organization (such as the military or a business)“

The next sentence clearly shows that the author knows that Seven Samurai isn’t the inspiration for the original Star Wars:

No, they said all day “when plugged in” or two hours with the battery pack.

We better get a Marvel 1602 Spider-Man in Beyond the Spider-Verse!

Again, what does math have to do with beauty?

was suddenly faced with her own immortality”

Did you just learn the word “kayfabe?”

Using the phrase “uncanny valley” to describe her face is dehumanizing. Also, I’m pretty sure an actor’s stock and trade is their *acting*, its right there in the job title.

What does math have to do with beauty?

Golden ratio? What the hell are you talking about? Jeez louise, sorry you don’t personally find this woman fuckable. Not everything is trying to appeal to what you, personally, find hot.

Oh, so you’re speaking from a place of ignorance trying to argue with someone who knows what they’re talking about? Smart move.

Congrats on using a picture of a giant bottle of poppers which are less common and not the bottle pictured in the official FDA image included in this article. When you use that size, which includes a label that looks nothing like an energy drink, you’re right - the bottles are roughly the same shape. You got me by

And bailey s eyes are too wide apart to be considered pretty.” To who, you? She’s a beautiful woman, and a talented actor and singer which is *actually* what the movie is about. Eric falls in love with her voice, not her face. Again, keep the baseless insults about someone’s looks to yourself.

I find it funny that in the embedded tweet the guy begging for these fake rumors to be real has “#RestoreTheSnyderverse” in his name. The amount of copium these people consume is deadly.

Real weird that they culled some of their few movies and shows with openly gay characters (like the charming Better Nate than Ever) right before Pride Month.

Maybe keep the rude and dehumanizing thoughts about someone’s body to yourself next time?

They are, with Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot.

Weird that you put racism in quotes. Its almost like you don’t believe that racism is why this movie is getting review bombed. Why would that be, I wonder?

Folks really need a tutorial (especially this late after release)? This is one of the first shrines many people did, and its really not that confusing.